
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Chuckled in guilty understanding and laughed out loud

Wanda "Panda" Hartzenberg is a top rated reviewer, and the author of The Struggle of Me. She is also a high-ranking reviewer on Goodreads. So I am deeply honored that she posted this review for my novel, Rise to Power:

on May 31, 2015
Until yesterday I was convinced I have read and reviewed this book before.
I started it and finished it in one sitting. The prose are truly like poetry in motion.

Not at all the David I came to know from the Bible and at the same time exactly like the man that fathered nations and religions.

I gasped in shock. Chuckled in guilty understanding and laughed out loud at life from the point of view of David. Not so much a hero here, much more a man. But then, hero's are created post life and this David is very much alive.

Imaginatively sculpted with words

Here is a short a sweet review by Lori Lopez, the author of many books of lovely quirky writing, for my book, Twisted:

Artistic!May 29, 2015
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Twisted (Kindle Edition)
This is a very short yet intriguing collection loosely bound by a common theme. All of the tales are imaginatively sculpted with words by the author-artist, and there is a sense of the characters taking shape, struggling through various trials in a three-dimensional manner. I found it unusual and captivating.

Friday, May 29, 2015

If only I had died instead of you!

Meanwhile, the second runner arrives, a dark skinned young men with an Egyptian accent. 
“My lord the king,” the Cushite calls out, “hear me, hear the good news! The Lord has vindicated you today by delivering you from the hand of all who rose up against you.”
To his surprise, and mine as well, I care nothing about how the battle developed, and how victory was achieved. Instead, all I want to know is one thing, and one thing only. “Is the young man Absalom safe?”
The Cushite raises his hand, and with a cruel glint in his eye and a slicing gesture across his throat, he starts laughing. Perhaps he hopes  to sweep me into his bloodthirsty joy. 
I cover my eyes so as not to see him, but I cannot stop myself from hearing his voice, saying, “May the enemies of my lord the king and all who rise up to harm you be like that young man.”
At that, I am badly shaken. 
I go up to the room over the gateway and close the door behind me, and clap a hand over my mouth, clap it tightly to stop myself from uttering these gruff sounds, these sobs. 
This is not the first time I find myself in the presence of death. I mourned for friends and for enemies, and managed to shape my feelings into the most eloquent eulogies, articulating the meaning of grief for large audiences. I knew they needed to wash themselves of sorrow, by devoting a moment to remember the departed, and vow to keep him in their thoughts forever, before allowing him to be forgotten. 
I used to enjoy expressing myself, even in sadness. Yet now, the only cries that come bursting out of me are so violent, so forceful, that they are nearly devoid of language. 
“Oh my son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom!”
I thrust my crown across the floor till it clangs, clangs, clangs. And to that sound I collapse into the corner, and press my lips like a lover  against the stone wall, letting its coldness seep into me.
“If only I had died instead of you! Oh Absalom, my son, my son!”

I have no idea how much time has passed since I closed myself in this place. From time to time the door starts screeching on its hinges, as someone comes in. He brings in food, which I know because the plate rattles against the surface of the floor, before his footfalls fade away. Whoever he is I grant him nothing, not even as much as a glance, and I leave the food untouched.
Yet even as I want to be left alone, I find myself dreading my loneliness.

My heart pounds, my strength fails me. 
Even the light has gone from my eyes. 
My friends and companions avoid me because of my wounds. 
My neighbors stay far away.

My novel is greatly inspired by art of all ages, and here you can see two of the art pieces that depict the moment of Absalom's death, in two very different perspectives. The first piece, a beautiful etching by the French artist Gustave DorĂ©, the moment is depicted with a great, dramatic thrust. You can see only a silhouette of the victim, hanging by his hair from the tree, still alive, still twitching, until the attackers (in the foreground) will arrive to pierce his heart. 

The second piece, done in green silk with foil-wrapped threads, is deceptively, eerily quiet, with a beautiful landscape encompassing it all. The victim is in the center, the attacker at the right, but the real drama happens in the heart of the king, who is waiting at the very top for news, to hear if his son is still alive.

★ Love historical fiction? Treat yourself to a gift 
Historical Fiction with a Modern Twist...

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Great Story

A short and sweet review of A Favorite Son:

on April 3, 2015
A great story based on ancient scriptures the author takes us to the biblical period and sweeps us a fascinating story, modern contemporary version. Delightful and exciting. I read the book from beginning to end Unable to stop... Warm recommendation

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bathsheba, a soldier's wife

I sit at the edge of the bed, utterly fascinated by her beauty. Her lashes are long, they flutter over her cheeks, and her hair waves around her face with the rhythm of her steps. It glows like copper under the flaming sconces, but when she crosses in front of the window it turns blue against the moonshine. 
She glances at the collection of crowns, down there in my trunk, and leans in to touch some of them, perhaps to estimate their sizes, and the number of nations, the number of kings I conquered.
“Fine pieces,” I say, casually. “You can choose as many of them as you want.”
“No,” she says, drawling the word until it turns into a sigh. “I’m bored with it.”
“Are you? Bored with jewelry?”
By way of an answer she says, “After every battle Uriah brings me a little something, which he chooses for me out of the plunder, hoping I won’t refuse it this time.”
“Which you always do,” I say, half-asking.
“I have no use for such things.”
“Then, what is it you want?”
“Who knows,” she says, vaguely.
Aroused, this time by curiosity, “You must know,” I say.
“But,” she says, teasingly, “I’m not going to tell you. You, of all people, would never understand me.”
“Why not?”
“Because,” she says, waving a hand at the open trunk, where my treasures are strewn about, and at my bed.
“Because what?”
“You’ve been blessed. You possess so much that you can’t begin to appreciate your luck. So many things, so many victories, women, children.”
With that, she bends over a pile of maps and other scrolls of papyrus. 
Pushing them aside, Bathsheba fingers the surface of my desk, where my firstborn child, Amnon, carved a little face—perhaps of his half-sister, my precious baby, Tamar—into the wood. Bathsheba strokes the childish, uneven sketch, and brings her hand to her lips, cherishing the touch of it.
And it is then, at the sight of a tear welling in her eye, that I ask myself, What does this wooden surface, scarred as it is, mean to her? Is she moved by the expression of love, or by the face of a baby?
After so many years of marriage, with a husband as doting as Uriah, she is still without child. And with her reputation—about which she can do little, because she is, after all, a soldier’s wife—Bathsheba must have been with many men before me. Still, she is childless. How else can you explain this fact, but by assuming she is barren?
For other women this is a curse, but for her—for both of us—this may be a blessing in disguise. If she opens her arms to me and takes me in I would not have to be careful with her. We would take pleasure in each other, without having to worry about the consequences.

Bathsheba after the Bath by Ian Steen

Bathsheba receiving David's Letter by Ian Steen

My trilogy,  The David Chronicles, is greatly inspired by art. One of the most enjoyable artists on the subject of David and Bathsheba is the Dutch painter Ian Steen. He treats Bathsheba as a soldier's wife, a woman of questionable morality who  enjoys a drink at the local pub when her husband is away, serving his country on the frontline. Here are two paintings, in which he depicts the moment when she gets David's invitation to his chamber. In both paintings she seems a bit tipsy. Note the dog--symbol of being faithful--barking at her feet in the first painting, as she contemplates David's proposition to come to him... 

★ Love historical fiction? Treat yourself to a gift 
Historical Fiction with a Modern Twist...

Friday, May 22, 2015

#MemorialDay #Weekend: Start At Odds with Destiny

This Memorial Day weekend, start something new
Something that everyone here, our entire crew
Wants to put in your hands, in your mind and heart
A story to read, something really smart!

Ten amazing novels in one boxed set
Open it at your own risk:

At Odds with Destiny
★ Kindle  Nook ★ Apple 
★ Kobo ★ Smashwords ★ 

The variety here is phenomenal, from intrigue and mystery, to gut wrenching, to fantasy, one thing is consistent, the quality
-Dennis Waller, Top 500 Reviewer

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Masterfully Written

Dennis Waller, filmmaker and author of several books, is recognized as an expert on spiritual experience, self-discovery, and exploring the human consciousness. He is also a Top 500 Amazon Reviewer, which is an amazing rank. I am honored that he posted this review for my novel, Apart From Love:

5 Masterfully Written, May 17, 2015
This review is from: Apart From Love (Kindle Edition)
Apart From Love by Uvi Poznansky is a testament that there are truly gifted writers out there that can create a masterpiece. Masterfully written, Apart From Love is a captivating tale told from two different perspectives giving it an air of wonder and giving the reader a fascinating journey. Not to give anything away and considering that there is an abundance of reviews giving insight into the storyline and plot, I'll save you the redundancy but I will say this, This is one of those tales that will stick with you, leaving with questions to ponder as to what exactly took place, especially in the mind of Lenny.

Monday, May 18, 2015

#MemorialDay #Sale: Get the trilogy, start the journey!

Start the journey: battles, war,
Love and scandal, ancient lore,
Start David's story this Memorial Day
He will prevail, come what may!

★ Start the journey! Get the entire trilogy 

A chat with Judith Barrow

Judith Barrow has BA (Hons) in Literature with the Open University, a Diploma in Drama from Swansea University and a MA in Creative Writing with Trinity College, Carmarthen. I am thrilled to visit her place, where she has a little chat with me about my upcoming novel. Check it out:

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Are you ready for beach reading?

Here comes summertime! Are you ready for beach reading?
Indulge yourself with an instant vacation:
Bring along this boxed set of 10 ebooks, holding historical fiction, thrillers, and mystical pleasures to suit your wildest dreams... 

Ten amazing novels in one boxed set
Open it and be swept away to a different time, a different place

At Odds with Destiny
★ Kindle  Nook ★ Apple 
★ Kobo ★ Smashwords ★ 

"This wonderfully diverse collection of novels will certainly please the reader in you. What better way to discover the great new writing styles and popular writing genres of the Indie literary world?"

Monday, May 11, 2015

A Fighter Till the End

Michelle Bellon is a young yet prolific author. Her books, Embracing Me, Embracing You and Rogue Alliance,are a thrill to read, as she writes as easily in one genre as another. It feels so rewarding to find her review of my novel, The Edge of Revolt

5A Fighter Till the End, May 11, 2015
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: The Edge of Revolt (The David Chronicles Book 3) (Kindle Edition)
"Whatever else I may have lost during the years of my decline, the instinct of a fighter is still in me, which I find amazing. I hope it will go on sustaining me to the end."

This quote from Uvi's 3rd installment of The David Chronicles sums up the entire read eloquently. As with the other novels, Poznansky delivers rich, vibrant characters who speak to the reader in real time. Such an approach to these biblical renditions bring tales of old to life in a way that gives them a vivid and authentic tone allowing the reader to feel and see every scene.

Uvi's poetic nature comes through the prose stronger than ever with this story as she pushes her character to his limits. David must navigate the tentative politics surrounding his leadership as drama unfolds around him. All the while, he faces the unrelenting mirror of his own mortality and the decisions he must make to stop a revolt and find his successor.

This is a beautifully told story. I recommend it highly.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

A Fine, Modern Shakespearean Tragedy

S. R Mallery has been a singer, a calligrapher, a quilt designer, and an ESL teacher.  
As a writer, history is her focus and is woven into her stories with a delicate thread. I am thrilled to read her review of my novel, Apart From Love:
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Apart From Love (Kindle Edition)

Using a lovely, lyrical prose, Uvi Poznansky gently guides the reader into the deep cavern of a dysfunctional family playing out their own form of a Shakespearean tragedy. The protagonists are four-fold: an emotionally detached father and in his wake, his emotionally bereft son; an ex-wife experiencing a serious illness, and a very young second wife, mopping up the messy pieces while struggling with her own past.

Not an easy scenario, yet Poznansky, along with beautiful descriptions, manages to portray each character with great depth and authenticity. Personally, my favorite leading figure was the second wife, Anita, who grew up with so little, yet in the midst of this highly educated and intimidating family, slowly displays her innate intelligence and ends up outshining them all. If you’re looking for a book that will make you think and offers you an in-depth study into human behavior, this is for you! Highly recommended.