
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

People send me notes and flowers, thanking me for nailing the shooter.

I spend a day at Morton Plant Hospital, which is part of the greater Bay Care Health System. 

People send me notes and flowers, thanking me for nailing the shooter. But instead of being proud of myself, I still feel guilty for failing to watch Timmy more carefully, which allowed him to be lured away. I need to apologize to Tracy for my momentary lapse in care. Actually, I’m not even sure what to say to her, except this: I can’t find an excuse for myself and can’t expect her forgiveness.

Michael comes in, sits by my bedside, and starts reading poetry to me. Boy, this feels so good.

I talk little, just smile at him from time to time, wondering what I would say if he asks me about my promise, the promise I made to share my closely-held secret with him when he arrives in town. Now that I’ve lost my baby, that secret amounts to a moot point. I’d rather bury it deep inside.

But Michael doesn’t ask. Perhaps he’s waiting for me to mention it. Or else, he already knows.

Just a couple of weeks ago—which at present, seems far away—I was too stirred up by that fever of mine, that excitement, which had been caused by my impulsive move to Clearwater. At the time, I figured I might stay here even longer than the end of winter break. 

Far from UCI Campus, free from the pressure of exams, and away from everyone I knew, I thought I could make a life for myself. I could start healing. Back then, the remedy seemed simple: all I had to do was distance myself from those closest to me, so I could set aside my previous experiences. My rape. My coma. 

Now, I find myself seeking a cure from that remedy.

Where do I go from here? 


Paperback Hardcover


The last thing Ash expects when she lands in Clearwater, Florida is to be stalked by a troubled teenager. If that's not bad enough, she is caught in a shooting spree next to the nearby elementary school. The cops think it’s an attempt at mass killing, but Ash wonders if the only victim was specifically targeted by the killer. Will she manage to identify him and have him arrested before he comes after her?

"Suspenseful as well as downright scary and will draw the readers into a web of mystery. The author's descriptive passages throughout continue to trap and at the same time, shed a sufficient amount of doubt into our minds. Who is this shooter and what is his connection to the main story?" 
~Serenity, Hall of Fame, Top 10 Reviewer

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Don’t stare at me because I am dark

 “The Queen knows me all too well,” I growl. “It’s her I need.”

He holds himself back from repeating, Bathsheba is asleep. And I go on to groan, “She knows she should be here.”

“In her place, here’s the girl. Your wife told me to bring her.”

“I’m too cold for that—”

“The girl knows it,” says he, “and she knows her duty. I made sure of it.”

“What’s her name?”

“Abishag. She’s sure to keep you warm.”

With that he sets the candle down on the bedside table, and gives me a sly look under those hairy eyebrows of his, which seem to have thickened even more with age. Then he leaves the chamber, not before breathing in my ear in his coarse, scratchy voice, “Listen, why are you being so difficult?”

“Me? Difficult?”

“I went to plenty of trouble to find this one. Virgins aren’t easy to come by anymore.” 

I am just about to say, They never were—but Joav has already disappeared. So there I am, left standing opposite the girl, and finding myself drawn towards her, perhaps because of the fresh fragrance of soil and fruit emanating from her skin. For the first time I take a close look at her. 

This is awkward. I take a step towards her, and can almost guess her thoughts. These words may be on her mind, “Don’t stare at me because I am dark, because I am darkened by the sun… My mother’s sons were angry with me, and made me take care of the vineyards… My own vineyard I had to neglect.”

She turns her head, and her long, dark lashes flutter nervously over the cheekbone. By the flicker of the flame I can tell that they are unpainted, and so are her lips. She must have been brought directly here, to my chamber, with no proper preparations at the women’s quarters, let alone a dab of perfume. 

Thank God for that! I hate proper preparations, and I cannot stand that nauseating mixture of fixatives and solvents they call perfume.

Her face and bare, slender shoulders have been bronzed by the sun. I notice that her feet are large, just like mine, and her toes are still soiled from the long journey, like some farm girls I used to know. 

The girl is a long way from home. I know it, because so am I.

"I love this series for its convincing depiction of real people in ancient times, for its unflinching honesty, and for its vividly real characters. This David is no cardboard cutout to be filled in with bright crayoned colors. His Bathsheba is no plaything. And his women will take their place on the stage of history, will have their voice, and will cry out for love and hate and hope." 
Sheila Deeth, Top Amazon Reviewer, Vine Voice

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Who knew that being in a coma could be so exciting?



 Really Good! 

Overall  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️    
5 out of 5 stars
Performance  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️    
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 10-20-20

Who knew that being in a coma could be so exciting? The heroine, Ash, is a crime victim. She has a level of consciousness, of which the doctors and her visitors are unaware. She gradually returns to life and then has quite the adventure. This audiobook is well-written. The narrator gives a great performance too.

Monday, October 19, 2020

A gift? You know me. I hate gifts

It was only as the cops rode off that Michael noticed a man of small stature gazing at him from behind a car, at the other side of the street.

Michael waved his hand. Bull! What are you doing here?”

Bull used a cart to wheel some object, wrapped in a linen cloth, across the street to him. I brought you a gift, my boy.”

Michael helped him push it. A gift? You know me. I hate gifts.”

Do you?” Bull smiled, mockingly. I think youre just avoiding me, is all.”

Meanwhile, Ash put on her high heels, straightened her midnight-blue dress, and pulled off her tiara. I was just leaving.”

Bull came uncomfortably close to her. Startled, Ash stirred away from him. 

His sneer was half-delighted, half-devious. Who—may I ask—is this goddess, this heavenly goddess that you keep here all to yourself?”

My name is Ashley.” She flushed. But I prefer Ash, for short.”

Charmed.” He bared his teeth in a mocking smile. Manny Bullock.”

Sounds like a mythological creature. Half-man, half-bull?” 

I prefer the bull part. Bull, for short.”

Puzzled at the way the conversation took on a contrary tone, Michael tried to find something soothing to say. 

My friend, Bull,” he said, in a manner of introduction, is an extremely gifted artist.” 

Dont you undermine me,” said Bull. Im much more than that—Im a prankster.” 

She said, I hope to see your work one day.” 

My work needs a seeing eye.”

My eye isnt blind.” 

Disregarding what she said, Bull circled around her front to back, measuring her up and down all the while. Blue—Ash! Whoever heard of that? The color reflects wonderfully on your skin—but it doesnt fit with your nickname.”

Sometimes, whats good for the body,” she countered, is bad for the name.”

Virtually Lace

(Volume I of High-Tech Crime Solvers)

Paperback  Hardcover


Haunted by discovering the body of a beautiful dancer, Michael re-constructs her murder in a virtual reality. Can he bring the mystery to life? Can he solve it in time, before the killer turns on the woman he loves, Ash?

Virtually Lace is a fast paced, well crafted suspense novel by Uvi Posnanski that is sure to keep you turning pages. I highly recommend it. 
~Richard Weatherly, Author

Friday, October 16, 2020

Virtual Reality meets murder mystery



 Virtual Reality meets murder mystery 

Overall  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️    
4 out of 5 stars
Performance  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️    
3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 08-25-20

This is an old-fashioned murder mystery with a high-tech twist. A virtual reality designer decides to solve a murder. His methodology is intriguing. Can he solve the murder without being accused of the crime? The story was great. I loved the number of characters and how you get to know each one better. Information is revealed very naturally in the book. The characters are engaging and easy to relate to. I did not like the way the narrator voiced Ash (a female character). He used a girlish, juvenile voice. This is an adult woman who was recently raped. Why would she sound like a girl!? Not appropriate and downright offensive.

I really enjoyed this one...


💕 Amanda Urbinato 💕

 I really enjoyed this one... 

Overall  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️    
5 out of 5 stars
Performance  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️    
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed: 09-01-20

I enjoyed listening to this audiobook. It was a lot of fun and it was really easy to get into. I didn't get to read the first book in the series. So I was so happy that I didn't feel lost in the beginning. If no one had ever told me this was book two, I would have never known. And I would love to get my hands on the rest of the books in the series! I also really liked this narrator. She did an excellent job.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The witch of Ein-Dor has a stash of bones in her back pocket

This I know: on the eve of the battle, he went to the old witch of Ein-Dor, seeking some advice, some word of reassurance. He begged her to summon the spirit of the prophet Samuel, who used to be his spiritual advisor until they fell out. She chanted her usual nonsense, “Double, double, toil and trouble.” Then, out of the poisonous steam puffing out of her caldron, a ghastly face arose, to the sound of a rattling of bones. 

I am certain that the witch of Ein-Dor has a stash of bones in her back pocket. She could not have fooled me, if her life depended on it. As for Saul, perhaps he was ready to be fooled. He should have let Samuel rot peacefully in his grave, because there, opening in midair, was a wrinkled, toothless mouth, and the words that came out of the cold froth rolling upon it were utterly horrific.

“Why do you consult me,” came the rasp, in a voice that sounded like the dead man, “now that the Lord has departed from you, and become your enemy? He has torn the kingdom out of your hands and given it to another. Because you did not obey Him, because you did not carry out His wrath against the Amalekites… Tomorrow you and your sons will be with me!”

I imagine despair burning out of Saul’s eye, as he rode his stallion at a furious speed, back to Mount Gilboa. Yes, he knew his fate, and the only thing he could do about it was to usher it in. That, and no other, was the reason he reached the summit, and fell on his sword.


The David Chronicles: Trilogy

Paperback Hardcover

"I love this series for its convincing depiction of real people in ancient times, for its unflinching honesty, and for its vividly real characters. This David is no cardboard cutout to be filled in with bright crayoned colors. His Bathsheba is no plaything. And his women will take their place on the stage of history, will have their voice, and will cry out for love and hate and hope." 
Sheila Deeth, Top Amazon Reviewer, Vine Voice

Sunday, October 4, 2020

A potent story of a love



Ellen Oceanside


Overall  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️    
5 out of 5 stars
Performance ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 09-30-20

A love that began in a moment, thru war, life changes, and for them personally. Would it be there at the end. There son has left, the memories that was so real, now fading. A potent story of a love, thru this couple is revealed and captivating for readers. The narration by Warrick added to the enjoyment and was good. Given audio for my voluntary review

Friday, October 2, 2020



Ellen Oceanside


Overall  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️    
4 out of 5 stars
Performance ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 
4 out of 5 stars
Story ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 10-02-20

Jacob and his mother a tale that still lives thru the ages. A love that he wants to be his favorite, will greed take away those last moments he has with his father, to do what his mother wants. Well done by the author and the narration by David was good and enjoyable. Given audio for my voluntary review