
Friday, September 21, 2012

The Best Review Ever

There are over thirty eloquent, beautiful reviews on Amazon for my novel Apart From Love, but I have received the one I consider the most rewarding of all! Check it out; this is why a writer writes:

I have learned that Jt Sather describes his life this way: "you know...been here...there...done this....and things I won't tell my mother!"  I am very honored by his choice to read my novel and to share it with her, because he is the author of How to Survive When the Bottom Drops Out, a motivational guide to help you through the rough patches in the road of life. His book won five 5-star reviews from readers, so far.

Treat yourself to a gift!


  1. Uvi, she has just made it to the finish line, and she thoroughly enjoyed it. She's off to nighty night, but within a day or two you will have a review. She will speak, and I will type what she has to say. Very nice work.

    1. Wow! So glad to hear it! Thank you so much for letting me know this! Give her a big kiss for me.

  2. Thinking I should add it to my Mum's reading pile this Christmas.

    1. Awww... This is so sweet, Sheila!
      And good luck to you with Dividing by Zero
