
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Celebration: Amidst the Glow

"Then, all of the sudden, amidst the glow, he finds himself standing at the banks of a lake with his daddy. He lets go of his daddy’s hand, flings a stone and at once he can spot—right there, in the middle of the lake—a ripple taking shape. One circle rises magically inside another, widening, riding out farther and farther until at long last it fades out. White lilies can be seen floating all around. One of them is right here, at arms reach. Only a thin line, the line of illusion, separates the petal from its white reflection. And underneath it, schools of golden fish scurry in one direction, then take a sharp turn and flow elsewhere."

An excerpt from Home.

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★ Inspired by poetry? Treat yourself a gift ★
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AudibleUS ★ UK  FR  DE
Audiobook: Amazon US  Amazon UK
Paperback: Amazon  Barnes&Noble

"Absolutely Stunning!" "scenes of such exquisite depth and beauty"


  1. Nice! Happy thanksgiving !

    Critique/review/comment this flash fiction in the LINK please

    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you too Mridubala!
      And thank you for the link!
