
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Crazy Like A Fox

A new review with an intriguing title, for Rise to Power:

5.0 out of 5 stars Crazy Like A FoxMay 25, 2014
REgina (Christiana, Tennessee, United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Rise to Power (The David Chronicles) (Kindle Edition)
I won a copy of Rise to Power by Ms. Poznansky.

Rise to Power is an interesting take on the story of David from the bible. As someone who tries to read the Bible daily, in order to appreciate this book on its own merits I had to set aside my personal beliefs. Once I was able to do that, I enjoyed Ms. Pozanaky's tale.

This book is like getting the opportunity to shadow David as plots and plans a way to gain King Saul's crown. There is a sense that David equally loves and hates King Saul.

One reviewer didn't like the fact that Ms. Poznansky used modern day language to tell her tale. I thought it only added to the charm of the book.

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