
Saturday, April 25, 2015

She is busy—but perhaps, not enough?

Mom has a soft heart, but she is tough 
She is busybut perhaps, not enough?
Give her our novels, the best to be found!
In this boxed set, they're neatly bound

Reading may keep her up at night
Our heroes love and fight, when it's dark or bright,
They'll whisper secrets in her ear
She'll tell you, "Come, this you must  hear!"

Four amazing novels in one boxed set
Open it at your own risk:

At Odds with Destiny
★ Kindle  Nook ★ Apple 
★ Kobo ★ Smashwords ★ 

The variety here is phenomenal, from intrigue and mystery, to gut wrenching, to fantasy, one thing is consistent, the quality
-Dennis Waller, Top 500 Reviewer


  1. Thanks for the photo's enjoy westernsgood review
