
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Powerful Poignant and a Trip down Memory Lane

I cherish the first review of any one of my books, and tot make it even sweeter, this one is from a Top 500 Reviewer, mysteriously called Chief, USN Ret...VT Town. This is how he describes my new novel, The Music of Us:

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
A powerful and poignant novel that will grip at your heart strings ... a love story that invites the reader into a romance between Lenny and Natasha. Starting in 1970 for a brief period it goes back to the days when these two met in the 1940's. Lenny had joined the US Marines and Natasha was a 16 year old concert pianist. Natasha's family name of Horowitz evokes memories of a long line of musicians.

Powerful for me in that the subject of Alzheimer's Disease is handled with great aplomb. Is this disease passed genetically or not? 'Memory is a liar' as Natasha so aptly said. Reading this on Veteran's Day was poignant especially when the casket of Charlie was brought home and 'Amazing Grace' was played.

Lots in this from WW II including some of the songs that were hits and also the topic of rationing items was covered. For some this will be a trip down memory lane. Life, love and the courage to comfort one another and to bridge the differences though the years is incredible.

Most highly recommended.

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