
Friday, March 4, 2016

First day for a character: At Odds with Destiny, 3rd novel

Inspired by the first day of spring, which is just around the corner, I want to give you a taste of a first day for one of the characters in our boxed set:

Pam woke up to the smell of coffee brewing. She took her time getting ready, returning to her old routine of primping to perfection. She chose a white pique shorts set with a short- sleeved shirt and white leather sandals. The weather was reported to be warm and sunny, a good beach day. She had the rest of the week to get through, and then her children would both be home for the Fourth of July weekend. She wanted to get her mother situated up in the guest apartment so she could have some privacy with the kids. They would have to put some boundaries in place in order for this to work. It would be so much better if her mother were the one to suggest them. She went out to the kitchen to see that her mother had made coffee and also pancakes. Pam, who rarely ate more than a piece of fruit in the morning, decided to just eat and be grateful. She’d start back at the gym that day.
“Good morning, Mother! Look at this! I’m going to be as fat as a pig if this keeps up.”

“This is a special day, our first day together! I won’t cook like this once I’m in the apartment.” Was she reading minds now? “Do you have anything that needs doing today?” If Pam scurried, Nelda bustled. How her house got into the state it was in was a mystery to her daughter. Unless loneliness was to blame, Pam wasn’t seeing anything that would have made her mother give up as she had at home in Brooklyn. After breakfast, with a false sense of security, she got her purse and left for the gym and grocery shopping.

Excerpt from Pam of Babylon by Suzanne Jenkins, included in At Odds with Destiny

Four amazing novels in one boxed set
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"The variety here is phenomenal, from intrigue and mystery, to gut wrenching, to fantasy, one thing is consistent, the quality" 
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