
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Beginning of Outstanding Exploration in Historic Life of David

In her blog, Book Reader's Heaven, Glenda A. Bixler blogs about Books, Reviews, Authors, Publicity, Tips, short stories, essays...a little poetry, a cat story or two, thoughts on music, movies and products selections. I am thrilled to find her review of my Historical Fiction book, Rise to Power.

on August 13, 2017
The author of The David Chronicles was captured by the stories of David, which she read in its original language... Now she has created a three-book literary masterpiece so that readers can learn of the individual--David.

The Debut begins with a Prologue in which David has reached old age, having lived his life, yet not totally ready to give his reign over to his heir. The books are written as if David was writing his memoir--the story of his life as he wants to have his family and others know him. Most of all we see David as the man--the human being created by God. The human, like all of us, who deeply loved His God, but who also faced the issues that each of us do... David has a number of significant stories in his life. Book 1 covers his major event when he took on Goliath...

If you have not already done so, you may want to refer to my review of the complementary book, Inspired by Art: Fighting Goliath spotlighting various artists who have given the world their vision of this story. While many may have knowledge of the story between Goliath and David, I was intrigued by the book enough to want to read the contemporary tale envisioned by Poznansky.

We begin the story as David leaves his home to audition for King Saul as a musician, a poet, intent on bringing the King comfort... Although many who listened were entranced by David's singing and poetry, the King was not and asked who had invited David there, only to be reminded that he, himself, had thought some might must help him feel better.

Finally with the King's permission, David stayed at court and we learn much about what was happening in the life of King Saul, as seen by David... Watching that time, but reading it in today's words and language, is intriguing--we don't know exactly how to respond to a story that does not follow what we already know...but rather fills in the setting, the background and the people there at that time. Could life then be just as complicated and full of emotional angst as it is now?

And what we find is a David who is just as confused as we are in trying to look toward the future, what it holds, what path he should take. He sees the grandeur of the King's castle, the riches within, the power he holds over the people and the country. And David feels the first taste of fame... grandeur... and glory... Does he dare to consider any of these things in his future? Could David become a leader of men? Could anybody ever look to him as their leader--perhaps even their King?

And in thinking more and more, he accidentally speaks openly and Saul, thinking to chide him, asks, why don't you kill a giant?

And the rest of the story they say...history...

And yet it is not...

Poznansky, in taking God's constant presence out of the picture, reveals a man finding his own way, feeling the emotions we feel as well. He is not portrayed as a Godly man, rather he is pictured as we are, striving to live our lives, seeking God's guidance, but not necessarily knowing that his choices are, perhaps, part of God's plan (even though his future had been prophesied). The result is a refreshing, complementary look into the lives of those living in early times who were, basically, much like each of us who know God and try to follow His words...

I will add that much was added to the book about which we may not have known...For instance, David bargained with King Saul for his daughter's hand if he succeeded in killing the giant... I did not see any of what was presented as contradictory of what you may have learned from the Bible, but rather a literary fictional story that helps readers to ponder, to consider how common men--a boy from a farm in this case--might some day come to be known as a man favored by God... Although I personally didn't enjoy seeing the curse words, I am aware that today's world uses them as part of the culture of today... Therefore, I did not see them as detracting from the value of the story, rather that I was offended personally because of my own background. In that light, I must say that Poznansky has presented an outstanding exploration into the historic life of David, who became King...

Highly recommended,


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