
Friday, December 1, 2017

Flapping her ears threateningly at us and thumping her foot

This is from my recent trip to South Africa. We were sitting in the back of the jeep when a line of elephants crossed the road.

I took many, many pictures, but the one I didn’t take—it happens too quick!—was when we were back in the tour bus. The road seemed clear, so the driver sped along, until suddenly a line of baby elephants crossed the road, following Big Mama elephant! In surprise, our driver slammed the breaks and managed, somehow, to stop, so all of them crossed and went on plodding away—except, of course, Big Mama. She turned around and came after the bus, flapping her ears threateningly at us and thumping her foot for extra emphasis, as if to say, ‘Never do that again! Beware, these are my people! My kids!’

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