
Monday, August 23, 2021

Emotional Family Portrait

 Love this review, the reader got the essence of Apart from Love.

Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2021

With poetic tone and descriptions, this author delves into the heart of Lenny, Anita and Ben, portraying their perspectives about an elephant in the room, which happens to be dementia, caused by Alzheimer’s. Each character--in their own unique voice--describes why this isn’t your typical love story--thus the title—Apart from Love. Romance shouldn’t just be graphic portraits of physical lust—as in the, “sharp thrill of danger.” No—romance should be the how, the why, the sounds that transpire, the music, the memories and so much more. There is so much emotion here, so much color, tenderness and pain, all painted through a collection of voices; one family’s kaleidoscope of tears, transcribed from a tape-recorder, becoming a book to be shared, a lesson learned, a gift of love. Truly, a wonderful story reminding us of our own evanescence.

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