
Saturday, February 15, 2025

Review: A Fabulous Journey into Virtual Reality



Susan Ricci

 A Fabulous Journey into Virtual Reality... 

5 out of 5 stars

5 out of 5 stars

5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 02-15-25

Only an experienced storyteller enables a reader to experience what I call a ‘walk-along’ in the life of a fictionalized character via their prose. Uvi Poznanski’s many creative endeavors are innovative, and a prolific author who always delivers.

In Coma Confidential, the main character, Ash, can only communicate her fears and point of view through thoughts to the reader - which enables us to participate in that walk along while the story unfolds and this character’s complex situation grows.

Imagine you’ve been tortured and sexually abused and find yourself able to think but unable to give voice to it all. Especially when your life remains in danger and nobody knows how you came to be in such horrific condition. Only you can identify the villains because you remember them and what they’ve done. Now, you hear them discussing your fate in your hospital bed as you lay powerless to scream for help.

Was her abduction and attempted murder inadvertently caused by a conspiracy gone wrong by foreign hackers over an old computer program? Can Ash’s boyfriend, Michael, save her, even though his suspicions shout that doing so would also endanger the country’s electrical grid if he does what he’s told and hands over the program to those who’d cause further harm? It’s the old Catch-22 debacle – if he doesn’t, Ash could be murdered, and if he does, well, I’d never trust traitors intent on paralyzing a country through Michael’s virtual reality.

Screaming her fear in silence, Ash manages to quell the urge to reveal what she knows or move while she begins her recovery, despite the – oops!
*Since I don’t review and reveal spoilers, suffice to say the beauty of this Audible story is that I was able to listen in places where a print book or Kindle wasn’t practical to use. It was super cool to obtain a fresh outlook of a story by hearing how the characters’ emotions change and get a better visual of the action as it occurred.*

Coma Confidential, the Audible edition, is one I highly recommend for a wildly entertaining sojourn into a circumstance that also fascinates medical communities worldwide and could conceivably happen. The story was realistically thought-provoking and earns five golden stars. Thank you, Ms. Poznanski, for providing us with such a captivating story of sabotage, espionage, and the human condition – I loved how this novel exemplified that justice can be served while being oh so rewarding.

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