Wanda "Panda" Hartzenberg is a top rated reviewer, and the author of a new book, The Struggle of Me. She ranks #2 top readers, #11 best reviewers , #1 top reviewers on Goodreads. So I am deeply honored that she posted this review, on Amazon and Goodreads, for Home:
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So this is what I am here to tell you. This is basically a brilliant read.
It is a journey of a man, a woman, a father, a daughter.
A family.
I cant tell you anything apart from the fact that the way in which this was written was pretty.
And yes, I mean pretty. It was a turn of phrase. A choice not usual that made the words sound pretty as I read them to myself.
The stories, the prose, the poetry. All of it has a story, a voice. All of it or some of it, or one if will hit HOME.
Dont be misled with the pretty part. It is sad at times., October 16, 2013
Wanda "Wandah Panda" (Pretoria, South Africa) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Home (Kindle Edition)
I am not good with poetry. I know none of the buzz words. Nothing about rhyme or rhythm, nothing about anything other than the basic.So this is what I am here to tell you. This is basically a brilliant read.
It is a journey of a man, a woman, a father, a daughter.
A family.
I cant tell you anything apart from the fact that the way in which this was written was pretty.
And yes, I mean pretty. It was a turn of phrase. A choice not usual that made the words sound pretty as I read them to myself.
The stories, the prose, the poetry. All of it has a story, a voice. All of it or some of it, or one if will hit HOME.