What did you like about this audiobook?
Uvi Poznansky's lyrical writing pulled me into this historic story with such power, realism, and poetry that I was immediately drawn into the scenes. I felt immersed in the battles and drenched in my enemies blood. I felt myself swagger over the battlefields in armor and helmet, carrying a spear, exultant in anticipated victory. But that was just one of the aspects of this tale. More than anything, I was deeply intrenched in David's mind and thought processes throughout the entire story. What a ride!
How has the book increased your interest in the subject matter?
Frankly, I've never been interested in this type of story - historical, biblical, drama or epic tales. I am a passionate fan of mysteries and suspense, mostly in the current day. But when another book is written by this outstanding author, I would definitely read or listen again!
Does the author present information in a way that is interesting and insightful, and if so, how does he achieve this?
Interesting - absolutely! Insightful - almost frighteningly so. How this author puts herself in the mind of such a man astonishes me. Her ability to think and speak like a man -- and a man living many centuries ago -- was formidable. Ms. Poznansky portrayed David's inner thoughts better than most men of this generation could possibly have done. Kudos!
What did you find wrong about the narrator's performance?
Nothing - this narrator was outstanding and on target. His voice changed and matured as the character aged. I loved his interpretation of each character, and his amazing range of voices was delightful. I'd listen to him read the newspaper, to tell the truth. Great job, Mr. George. I do wish, however, that my daughter (Melanie Lazar Carbonneau) had written the music for the song that was performed over and over again ("Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands..") I think she could have provided a more interesting musical theme!
Do you have any additional comments?
I am often reluctant to read or listen outside of my normal, very predictable genre. But I'm glad I did. I can see this book (and others written by Ms. Poznansky) offered in the future as classic literature in future writing or reading classes. Truly, I think this book will become a global classic. Thank you, Ms. Poznansky, for taking such care with your writing and production. This was a stellar production.