Friday, March 7, 2025



M. M. Bishop


5 out of 5 stars

4 out of 5 stars

5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 03-07-25

Ms. Poznansky’s novel Rise to Power, swept me into David’s battle from a shepherd boy more interested in adventure, music, & performing, into a battle hardened man. When he played at the palace of King Saul, he was both loved and hated by the King, for in him, Saul saw himself as a young man, & knew his own frailty. David could sense both the love and the hate in Saul, and yet, found he yearned for glory.

It is a story of battle, madness, glory, and mastery over self.

It is David’s story, yet, more, it is the story of each of those who ache for dreams to come true, and sense the changes to come as they age. Ms. Poznansky has taken an old story, lifted it into a new realm of an honesty and understanding of human fragility. I loved the flow of her words, and the way they drew me into the story deeper and deeper. Sometimes I was living in David’s thoughts, and sometimes watching him as he went from a boy full of gaiety to a hardened man, but one that still had some compassion in him.

As a lover of history, the use of more modern language to tell the story, was fitting, for each generation does tell a story in the language of the times. I loved this novel, and how the characters drew me into their lives, and took on very real human characteristics. As the story unfolded one could see and feel it as if you were living in the days when the twelve tribes were scattered, and fought each other for supremacy, and the Philistines waited in the wings to ravage them.

It is a vividly written novel, that will stay with me for a long time, and I will look back to see my how my younger self, created the woman I am today, as David and Saul did. Did they like what they saw or was the glory not enough?

A brilliantly told story.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025


A thoughtful review, written by prolific author Marta Moran Bishop, for my historical fiction book (with a modern twist) The Edge of Revolt:

Reviewed in the United States on March 3, 2025

Ms. Polansky’s novel The Edge of Revolt, volume III of the David Chronicles, had me on the edge of my seat. It was riveting, as I followed an aging David through the rape of his beloved daughter by his son. Every emotion known to man, was included in this novel, and I sensed them all. Though a biblical tale told in modern language, it was as if I was walking in David’s mind, with all the hurt, grief, love, and lust that he felt, as he wallowed in not only his own emotions, and regrets, but those of those around him.

In The Edge of Revolt, we experience life as it probably was during the reign of King David and his many wives and children, his love and lust of Bathsheba. It is a work of art, using a fine pen to ferret out the passions of the characters, the grief David feels as one after another his sons betray him and each other. Will David lose his thrown in this revolt or will he keep it? This reader couldn’t put it down, it was that spellbinding. I also loved the fact that Poznansky took a story from ages past, and brought it to life using more modern language so that we could become immersed in the tale.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Paper Vase with Paper Roses

 Just finished creating this bouquet of roses and baby breath flowers, designed for my paper vase. As I was filming it, the poem came to me.

Paper vase with paper roses

And an empty space within

In my heart a ripple closes 

Over all that should have been

Paper vase with paper roses

And the memory of a scent

On my lips a smile wrinkles

Every stem starts turning bent

Paper vase with paper roses

No thorns in this eternal bloom

Except my mind, for it composes

Petals decaying in the gloom

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Review: Incredible use of imagery and imagination!



 Incredible use of imagery and imagination! 

5 out of 5 stars

5 out of 5 stars

5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 02-19-25

I truly enjoyed the imaginative power and descriptive language of A Favorite Son! Uvi uses intricate and beautiful details in her writing. With the authors vivid and detailed imagination-you are completely immersed in this gem of a book! It was a true pleasure to read this drama!