I am thrilled to find a five-star review for my art book, Inspired by Art: Fighting Goliath. The review written by top Amazon reviewer and author Sheila Deeth. In addition to her novel, Divide by Zero, she has written The Five Minute Bible Story Series, and other books. With a Masters in mathematics from Cambridge University, England, she is a a top reviewer for Amazon, Goodreads, Gather and other reading sites. This is what she says:
“Hands of a killer… the body a reservoir of energy; he stands poised to strike.” Author Uvi Poznansky hasn’t just collected wonderful images in this picture book of David’s fight with Goliath, but she adds amazing quotes such as this one from Michelangelo. Suddenly the sculpture has more depth, and the reader/viewer is drawn more deeply into the story behind the man.
These images come from a multitude of sources, as varied as a medieval Bible illustration for the letter F, Degas’ David and Goliath—“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see”—and even Salvador Dali—graphically enthralling.
I’ve read the author’s David novels and love them. Art, in these, is truly what the author makes her reader see—a hauntingly real young man, grown old, looking back on the wonder and terror of his youth. The youth who fought Goliath comes to life in the author’s book, and again in these images, collated to tell the story from preparation, to meeting the giant, to fighting the battle with him. It’s a delightful book, and a delightful addition to the series.
Disclosure: I bought it on a deal and I love it!
VINE VOICEon March 2, 2017
These images come from a multitude of sources, as varied as a medieval Bible illustration for the letter F, Degas’ David and Goliath—“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see”—and even Salvador Dali—graphically enthralling.
I’ve read the author’s David novels and love them. Art, in these, is truly what the author makes her reader see—a hauntingly real young man, grown old, looking back on the wonder and terror of his youth. The youth who fought Goliath comes to life in the author’s book, and again in these images, collated to tell the story from preparation, to meeting the giant, to fighting the battle with him. It’s a delightful book, and a delightful addition to the series.
Disclosure: I bought it on a deal and I love it!
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