“You again? What is it with you? You really should be more careful,” teased Joshua as he pulled her onto the bank.
Mortified and embarrassed, Angelina looked into his eyes for the first time - they were mesmerising. “Thank you so much. I am not usually so clumsy. I run up here all the time and nothing like this has ever happened to me before.” She was shivering now. The lake was sub-zero and she was wet through.
Joshua took off his sweatshirt and handed it to her. “Here, put this on before you catch your death of cold too.” Smiling, Angelina gladly took the sweater and pulled it over her head as she stood up with the aid of Joshua. For a brief moment, their eyes locked, neither one saying a word, until a dog broke the silence as he came up sniffing behind them, swiftly followed by an embarrassed owner who quickly ushered the dog along.
Excerpt from Broken Wings by D.G. Torrens
Included in Love in Times of War

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"This anthology consists of twelve wonderful stories with the inherent theme of love and war contained in them. Out of the twelve authors, Uvi Poznansky is the only one that I was familiar with previously. So, in addition to becoming acquainted with new authors in this set, my 'to be read' pile has grown considerably. That is not a bad thing with the wind chill of a minus 10 as I write this review!!"
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