Sunday, January 31, 2016

A TOUCH OF PASSION: Just in Case by ‏@emarxbooks

I attempted to wrangle my boot free again. I bent forward slightly, which drew Revell’s attention to my boobs again. I can’t tell you what he did, but a lot of snow rained down on my spine; it was so cold that it hurt like pin pricks and electrical shocks. Luckily, Revell caught me around the waist at the same moment. We were both covered in snow, but I don’t think either of us was cold: there was an icy awareness at precisely every point that our bodies touched that was burning hot.
“You are so incredibly beautiful,” he said, brushing some snow off my brow.

Here is a heartwarming story for cold evenings... Excerpt from Just in Case by Elizabeth Marx, included in A Touch of Passion

Love Romance? Get this amazing collection
Kindle ★ Nook ★ Apple ★ Kobo ★ Smashwords

Friday, January 29, 2016

What to expect in our party? A serenade for you

Can't wait for our celebration to begin...Can you? 
Come join

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, we have love stories to tell you
And audiobooks to give
Who will the winners be? 
It may be you!
Want to increase your chances to win? 
Then come to the party and engage with us
Like, comment, and share our excerpts!

Sharing our stories
Starts Friday, February 5 @ 3:00pm PST ✿ 6:00pm EST
Until Sunday, February 7 @  4:00pm PST ✿ 7:00pm EST

Grand Finale
Starts Sunday, February 7 @  4:00pm PST ✿ 7:00pm EST

Let's celebrate love by giving you our audiobooks!

Superb imagination displayed in "literary sculpture"

Just discovered this lovely review for my novel, The Edge of Revolt:

on January 27, 2016
Tremendous imagination. I never read the Scripture so clearly through the eyes of David. There was one major episode that was left out. King David's most important battle was NOT the victory over Goliath but the one he lost to the Philistine Ishbi-Benob (2 Samuel 21:15-17). Afterwards, his men refused to allow him to lead them into battle again. David was dismayed and turned to recording all of his life events. Some allege that David was a victim of Parkinson's disease and that is reflected through the scripture. That inclusion would have added even more to this wonderful text. Google King David and Parkinson's disease for more information; see the video as well.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Unlike me, he’s never fought for what he has

Seeing how exhausted I am Abishag takes the feather, ever so gently, from my fingers, careful not to touch the tip, and withdraws from me. Washing the ink off at the other end of the chamber, she bends over the windowsill, glancing at the lush trees swaying down there, in the royal gardens. Without words, she hums a little tune under her breath, and her voice is so sad, so melodious, that it tells me how desperately she misses her faraway village, from where she was taken to the palace. 
She must have been eager, at first, to meet the notoriously dashing young hero, the slayer of Goliath, the idol drawn so perfectly out of legends that belong to a dying generation. Only now does she realize that I belong nowhere else but in her aging mother’s dreams. 
I tell her, “Listen, daughter, and pay careful attention. Forget your people and your father’s house. Let the king be enthralled by your beauty. Honor him, for he is your lord.”
And at once I wonder, why do I take this fatherly tone with her, all of a sudden? And why do I speak of myself as if I were not here?
Abishag cannot help but yawn, which I happen to understand, because the lecture I have aimed at her bores me, too. 
“So many young men, out there,” she whispers.
“So much noise,” I complain, over her excitement.
“If it’s disturbing to you, your majesty, I can go down,” she offers. “I can ask them to keep things more quiet, for you.”
“No,” say I. “Stay with me.”
“Are you cold? Shall I close the curtains?” 
“No. Keep them open.”
Then, with slight hesitation, “Your son,” she says. “What does he want? Why did he come?”
“He loves me so,” I say, hoping she would not catch the irony in my voice. “Once in a long while he comes up here, to check if I’m still breathing.”
Abishag says nothing in reply. After a long pause she asks, “Did he invite you to the festivities? I would love to escort you—”
“Festivities?” say I. “No one tells me anything these days, which is why I am becoming so pitifully suspicious.”
“I see him down there,” she says. “His guests are arriving now, gathering around to greet him. They’re laughing. He’s not.”
At that I wave my hand. “Adoniah must be tired. He’s utterly weary of life here, in my palace. Luxury can be such a boring thing when you’re born into it.”
She glances back at me, her eyes wide with disbelief. “Is it, really?”
“It must be,” say I. “Unlike me, he’s never fought for what he has." 

★ Love historical fiction? Treat yourself to a gift 
Historical Fiction with a Modern Twist...

“What a treat to have the story of David presented in such a stimulating manner.”

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

This novel will change you

Here is a truly touching new review for my novel, The Music of Us:

on January 23, 2016
This novel of true love is a profound read. Painful, realistic, yet beautiful in its delivery, The Music of Us brought me to the brink of tears more than once. It also had me laughing, loving, and wanting more. The historical aspect of it is intriguing and well-researched, the characters are powerful, and the story line is a reminder that with love comes pain, but that pain is well worth the love.

This novel will change you - and that's the highest praise I could possibly give it. Beautiful. Well-done. I loved it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A TOUCH OF PASSION: Nellie by @CynthiaWoolf

Then she laid back in the hot water and closed her eyes, resting. 
She awoke to being lifted by strong arms. The water was cold and so was she. Shivering violently, she cuddled into Blake’s warm body.
“Nellie, are you trying to catch your death? That water was freezing.”
“It wasn’t wh…when I g…got in,” she said, her teeth chattering.
Blake stood her next to the bed, turned down the covers, then got a towel and dried her quickly. He wrapped her hair in the towel, picked her back up and laid her in the bed. She couldn’t stop shaking. He quickly undressed, got in bed beside her, and pulled her into his arms, then covered them both with the blankets.
He was so warm. She buried herself in his warmth, cuddling into him. 

Here is a heartwarming story for cold evenings... Excerpt from Nellie by Cynthia Woolf, included in A Touch of Passion

Love Romance? Get this amazing collection
Kindle ★ Nook ★ Apple ★ Kobo ★ Google Play ★ Smashwords

Monday, January 25, 2016

A Beautifully Narrated Tale of Love and Loss

Here is a lovely new audible review, written by Aaron Paul Lazar. Aaron is a mystery writer author, and many of his books have audiobook editions. I am thrilled by what he says about the narration of The Music of Us:

"A Beautifully Narrated Tale of Love and Loss"
I read The Music of Us a few months before this audiobook came out, and loved it so much I jumped at the chance to listen to the characters as portrayed by Don Warrick.

Uvi Poznansky is a literary tour de force in a contemporary age when the quality of writing often takes a back seat to the quick thrill, or to be more precise, the quick buck. She writes as she paints, with careful, vibrant strokes of amazing clarity and color. Whether you are a reader or writer, teacher or student, you owe it to yourself read her work. You will be transported to a world where life is examined from a poet’s point of view, where you live in vignettes so real that you can’t help but love and care for the characters.

I have read and listened to all of Poznansky’s work, but this book resonated more deeply with me than all the previous titles, which I truly enjoyed. I suppose it is because I am an inveterate romantic. I ached for the young, “flashback” characters to come together. I shouted at them to wake up and smell the coffee when they missed opportunities to get together, and I reveled in the sweet endings when they finally connected.

The atmosphere of the 1940s is beautifully portrayed, and on a secondary level only to the (mostly) unrequited love story, it was my next treasured experience while reading this book. I loved the sounds and sights of the era, the music, the cars, and the lifestyles so well depicted. It was a fascinating dip into the life of those dynamic times.

Don Warrick is simply amazing. I loved his voice for the main character, Lenny, which was perfect for whatever age the character spoke from, whether middle aged or young. The other characters were amazingly portrayed and consistent throughout the story - Natasha, her annoying but delightful mother, Lenny's Uncle Schmeel, and even the announcer at Carnegie Hall who had me thinking, "Ed Sullivan," by his unique voice and pronunciation. Emotions flowed from Mr. Warrick's voice in such a way that you couldn't help but choke up or feel excited for "him," and the characters. But most surprising was this amazing narrator's singing voice. I loved hearing him sing various snippets of imaginary songs from the forties, and also lullabies sung by Natasha's mother, etc. They were beautifully done and his voice is very enjoyable.

If you are aching for a lyrical listen, for something above and beyond the usual offerings in the field of fiction, I highly recommend you pick up a copy of Uvi Poznansky’s The Music of Us.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Travel log: By the lake, in the city of Pushkar

Travel log: 
By the lake, in the city of Pushkar

A TOUCH OF PASSION: That Unforgettable Kiss by @Tammysdragonfly

Groaning, she finally surrendered, laying her head on his shoulder. “Alright,” she whispered. And then she sighed. “We’d probably better be quiet for now.”
Murphy sighed with relief. “Alright.”
But suddenly he was much more cheerful. Unable to resist, Murphy slid his fingers through the silky softness of her hair. His fingers gently slipped over to her chin, before running lightly over her lips. 
And Kate began to shiver.
His arm tightened over her shoulder. Murphy came even closer still, nuzzling his lips to her brow, feathering soft kisses over her deliciously soft cheek as his mouth made its way over to hers. 

Here is a heartwarming story for cold evenings... Excerpt from That Unforgettable Kiss by Tamara Ferguson, included in A Touch of Passion

Love Romance? Get this amazing collection
Kindle ★ Nook ★ Apple ★ Kobo ★ Google Play ★ Smashwords

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Let me introduce you to my author friends

Join us for

My author friends have joined forces with me!
We bring you amazing stories, narrated by great voice artists
just in time for Valentine's Day. 
Click the profile image or the name of each one of us 
to learn about our work

"I paint with my pen, and write with my paintbrush"

"What would you do if you could see other people's dreams?"

Bestselling author of novels from historical to fantastical.”

"One true love, one honest hope, one more chance..."

"Addictive, award-winning fiction. You'll fall in love with the characters and love to hate the villains.”

"Life is too short to never cross the genre line."

"Saving the world one billionaire at a time."

“Escape with a book by Angela Ford.”

"History is woven into my stories with a delicate thread."

"Author of thrillers exploring crime, conspiracy and duplicity."

Sunday, January 17, 2016

What does she want? Bonbons? Candy?

What does she want? Bonbons? Candy? 
She's mad because you don't get randy?
It's far too early for a diamond ring
On Valentine's day, what should you bring? 
If you want to please her, if you're driven
Give a box of stories, and all's forgiven...

Each one of the novels in this boxed set is outside the box
Open it at your own risk!

Bestselling, critically acclaimed, and notoriously creative authors from across the book continuum join forces to bring you At Odds with Destiny, everything you've wanted in a boxed set but thought you'd never find: full-length novels brimming with myth, fantasy, mystery, history, romance, drama, originality, heroism, and suspense. Finding themselves at odds with destiny, the characters in these stories fight to shape their future and define who they are. Come follow them in their amazing journeys.

The perfect gift for Valentine's Day! Get it now
At Odds with Destiny
★ Kindle  Nook ★ Apple 
★ Kobo ★ Smashwords ★ 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

A TOUCH OF PASSION: Jack Who? by @lisagillis_

Suddenly, it felt strange to her too, that she could respond with such hate after reacting with the degree of love and passion that passed between them minutes ago. Part of her was sick at the evil words that she had just flung between them. Did this make her as cold as him? Still, she rationalized; like a mother lion, she was fiercely protecting Tristan, even if she had to take a tiger by the tail.
“I explained that to you.” He seemed hurt by her words, disappointed in her, and ashamed this thing was a part of his past. “It’s not true, and you said you knew.”
“You should go.” Unable to look at the mixture of emotions on his face, she turned. Unfortunately, she faced the mirror, so she didn’t miss the slow fury infusing his face.
“That’s always your answer isn’t it?” he taunted nastily. “Distance.”
“You don’t know anything about me.”
“I know how to make you scream.”

Here is a heartwarming story for cold evenings... Excerpt from Jack Who? by Lisa Gillis, included in A Touch of Passion

Love Romance? Get this amazing collection
Kindle ★ Nook ★ Apple ★ Kobo ★ Smashwords

A TOUCH OF PASSION: The Belle and the Officer by @BJRobinson6

“I’m relieved you haven’t been involved in any major battles, but I fear they’re coming with the Louisiana ones. Both sides are going to give a hard fight for the river.” She sighed. “You be careful.”
“I will. I just wish they’d get it over with.” He ran an arm along the length of the back of the swing and placed it around her shoulders. “It’s so peaceful here with you, I hate to leave. Here we are sitting out in the cold on the veranda in the middle of winter, but it’s beautiful with you, and you warm my heart and soul.”
“The sunlight has warmed the temperature, and your arm around me helps.” She leaned her head against his shoulder. “I’m so glad you could make it home for a visit.”
“Me, too, but it’s a short one.”
“Short is better than none.”

Here is a heartwarming story for cold evenings... Excerpt from The Belle and the Officer by B.J. Robinson, included in A Touch of Passion

Love Romance? Get this amazing collection
Kindle ★ Nook ★ Apple ★ Kobo ★ Smashwords

Friday, January 15, 2016

A Heartbreaking Search for Love and Acceptance!

Janice Spina is copy editor and an award-winning author with nine children's books. She writes poetry and novels, the first of which is Hunting Mariah. I am thrilled to discover her review of My Own Voice 

on January 10, 2016
This is the first book I have read by this talented author. My Own Voice is a powerful story of love, lust, betrayal and loss. Anita is the main character that cannot find herself. With a mother who is tough on her showing her little love and a harsh home environment that she cannot escape from, she meets Lenny, an older man one day with whom she quickly becomes smitten. Unbeknownst to Anita this older man is only looking for a replacement for his beloved wife who has Alzheimer's. Anita just happens to look like Natasha.

The author writes through the slang and uneducated voice of her main protagonist which touches the reader with its simplistic style. She makes the reader care for this poor soul and her search for love and acceptance.

An enjoyable but heartbreaking journey to read that I would recommend to all.