Monday, May 29, 2017

Danger, Intrigue and passion!

Danger, Intrigue and passion! These tales of true love are about the heart of men called to serve in dangerous locales and the valiance of women who long for them to come home. Be inspired by a power team of multi award-winning, USA Today and International bestselling authors.

Dancing with Air by Uvi Poznansky
In WWII London, Lenny is involved in a covert intelligence ploy. His task must remain confidential, even at the risk of Natasha becoming suspicious of him. Will their love survive the test of war?

Two Hearts Unspoken by Tamara Ferguson
Beth Bowen is a single mom of an autistic son. Zach Logan is a wounded warrior searching for a life after Iraq. Can two lonely people discover that love is that something unspoken, missing from their lives?

The Rebel's Redemption by Jacquie Biggar
When an old enemy follows him from Iraq and causes mayhem in Tidal Falls, can Jared overcome the odds to protect the woman he's always loved?

Broken Wings by D.G. Torrens
Joshua, a bomb disposal expert in Afghanistan. Angelina, an editor of a local newspaper. Both avoiding love at all costs, until they are unexpectedly thrown together. Tested beyond belief... Can their love survive?

A Soldier’s Promise by Angelica Kate
Ryker is most comfortable in the regulated world of the military. When he is sent to Darby’s doorstep to keep a promise to one of his fallen team members, every rule he holds will be challenged!

Returning Home by the Sea by Traci Hall
Brayden and Zoe wed before he went to Iraq. Once united in passion, a lot has changed in the six years he's been away. Will their love survive his homecoming?

Mademoiselle by Suzanne Jenkins
To Philipa, working at Mademoiselle Magazine is more important than anything, even love. Her friend, Walter, hopes for a change, but not until his trip to the Persian Gulf does she begin to listen to her heart.

Genteel Secrets by S.R. Mallery
In 1861 America, can the love between a Confederate female spy and the Pinkerton detective hired to shadow her survive, or will their story become just another casualty of war?

Lovin’ Those Navy Games by Susan Jean Ricci
Michael Burke has two passions: his high-school sweetheart and baseball. When someone dear to him perishes in Vietnam, will the shock alter his future goals? Will it isolate him from Ellie or deepen their love?

If you like Historical Romance, Contemporary Romance, Inspirational Romance, Holiday Romance, Military Romance, Wounded Warrior Romance, or Romantic Suspense, there is a sure to be a story you will love in this amazing boxed set. The trials lovers face—separation, coping with loss, struggling with injuries and rehabilitation—can be as devastating as war itself. Celebrate homecoming and the victory of love!

Love Romance? Get this amazing collection
Love in Times of War
No longer available

"This anthology consists of twelve wonderful stories with the inherent theme of love and war contained in them. Out of the twelve authors, Uvi Poznansky is the only one that I was familiar with previously. So, in addition to becoming acquainted with new authors in this set, my 'to be read' pile has grown considerably. That is not a bad thing with the wind chill of a minus 10 as I write this review!!" 

Sunday, May 28, 2017

You don’t want to wake the dead, do you?

On that note I tell myself, There is little time left.
I take the scrolls and layer them, with great care, at the bottom of a leather satchel, which I place in an empty clay pot that stands just past the sleeping guard, out in the courtyard. It has no decorations, and no identifying marks on it. What it does have is a heavy lid, which I tighten in place with some glue, so as to preserve the scrolls in a dry, cool condition. I hope no one heard it squeak.
Who knows if I will ever come back to Jerusalem, if I will have a chance to recover these scrolls—but maybe, sometime in the future, someone else will.  
I carry the pot to the house of my court historian, Gad the Seer. Inside, lying upon the bare table, shrouded in white, his body is ready for tomorrow’s funeral. 
The professional mourner hired for this occasion, an old woman with no teeth, stirs out of her sleep. She raises her head, which is utterly bald with the exception of a single stand of hair. In her confusion, she starts the obligatory wailing.
“Shush, lower your voice,” I tell her. “Save it for tomorrow, when they inter him.”
She rasps something, but it is hard to understand what comes out of that black mouth of hers, when she is not wailing.
“This,” I say, pointing, “is one thing that was dear to him.” 
Her voice rises again. “A pot?” she cries. 
“Hush,” say I. “You don’t want to wake the dead, do you?”
She waves her knuckled hand. “Wake him?” she screeches. “Ah, he’s stone cold!”
“Too bad,” say I. “He can’t appreciate the lovely rhythms of your voice, sometime sobbing, sometime slobbering over him.”
“You making fun of me?”
“Not at all! You’re the best at what you do.”
“Of course,” she says, relaxing into a toothless smile. “I’m a professional.”
And I say, “Even the king can’t project sound quite the way you do.”
And she says, “He should come to me! I can teach him a thing or two.”
“I bet you can,” say I. “Now do me a favor: make sure they place this thing next to Gad’s body, down in the crypt.”
With greed in her eyes, she says, “Why would he need it?” 
“Because,” say I, “in the afterlife—”
“Ah, there’s no such thing!”
“Well, no one ever came back to tell us that, did they?”
“If you have doubts,” she says tersely, “keep them to yourself.”
To which I say, “What I have is hopes—”
“Doubts, hopes, what’s the difference? I deal with what’s certain, such as death.” To prove her point she raises her hand, which is covered with ropy veins, and with a strange sort of glee she slaps Gad the Seer across his cheek, full force. “See?” she croaks. “He can’t even bat an eye! Ah, dead as a doornail!”
“I suggest you step away from the deceased—”
“You afraid I’ll hurt him? Ah! Nonsense!”
“He was a man of God, so you could use some respect—”
“What I can use is that pot! Give it to me! I’m not paid nearly enough for the effort I put in!”
“This clanky thing?” say I. “The lid won’t open, see? For you, it’s useless, which is why we must leave it for the dearly departed.”
She struggles to open it, in vain. 
Hoping that the lid will continue to hold tight under her bony fingers I tell her, “Why would you need anything that must be broken to pieces before you can reach inside?”
“Fine, into the crypt it’ll have to go,” she mutters. “Let Gad keep an eye on the clanky old thing!”
“How fitting,” I say, under my breath. “His entire life he was the keeper of history. Let him continue to guard it.”

This captures a moment of preparation for the king's hurried escape from the city of David. What worries him more than his own safety is the preservation of his legacy. He takes extraordinary measures to hide away the scrolls, upon which his story has been written. 

When listening to my narrator, Bob Sperry, as he breathed life into this scene, I could not help chuckling. The voice he gave her was inspired, of all things, by Monty Python!

★ Love historical fiction? Treat yourself to a gift 
Historical Fiction with a Modern Twist...

"At times startling, as times awe-inspiring, and at all times fine reading, this is a welcome addition to the growing library of one our more important writers" 
-Grady Harp, Hall of Fame Reviewer

What to expect in our event: Listen to Your Heart

Hi everyone! Can't wait for the event to begin and for the Grand Finale... 
Can you?
Here is what to expect:

Read excerpts, listen to voice clips and watch trailers from our books
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Then like, comment, or share our posts on the event page
Friday, June 16th at 9:00am PST - Saturday, June 17th at 3:00pm PST 

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Come to our Grand Finale!
Saturday, June 17th at 4:00 PST

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Treasures of art depicting history

Author of War Songs, Grady Harp is an artist representative, gallery owner, writer of essays and articles on figurative and all Representational art for museum catalogues and for travelling exhibitions, and an Amazon Hall of Fame Reviewer. He describes himself as being ever on the alert for the new and promising geniuses of tomorrow. So I am deeply honored that he has posted this five-star review for my art book, Inspired by Art: Rise to Power:

Uvi Poznansky dons another Technicolor coat in this latest series of books, always raising the bar for her high standard previous achievements. Originally from Israel where she studied Architecture and Town Planning then moving to the US where she studied Computer Science and became an expert in Software Engineering, Poznansky managed to combine the design elements of two studies into unique formats. And she has accomplished the same with the other side of her brain - making visual her ideas (she is an accomplished painter, drawer, and sculptor who has enjoyed exhibitions both in Israel and in California, her present base) and making words in poetry and in short stories and children's books.

Uvi has published an absorbing book series – The David Chronicles – and now is curating art collections to enhance the pleasure of her books’ stories. This volume, RISE TO POWER - focusing on the decline of the House of Saul and the rise of David – follows her previous installments THE EDGE OF REVOLT, FIGHTING GOLIATH, A PEEK OF BATHSHEBA and FALL OF A GIANT and is again one of the most complete collections of art from ancient through renaissance to contemporary in drawings, paintings, sculptures, etchings – works by Rembrandt, Taschcar Pictures, Bernardo Cavallino, James Tissot, Julius Kronberg, Ivan Schwebel, Vallotton, Boris Laurentiev, William Wetmore Story, Ernst Josephson, Erasmus Quellinus II, Gustave Doré, Guercino, He Qi, Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, George Tinworth, Johann Christoph Weigel, Chagall, Cima da Conegliano, Lord Frederic Leighton, Aert de Gelder, Hans (Jan) Collaert, the Maciejowski Bible, Matthaeus Merian the Elder, Rubens, von Lambert Lombard, Simon de Vos, Antonio Molinari, Guido Reni, Jacobsz Lambert, Hans Fronius, John Singer Sargent, Oskar Kokoschka, Richard Dadd, Matthias Scheits, Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen, William Blake, Henry Fuseli, Benjamin West, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Jean Fouquet, Gerard Hoet and Salvadore Dali - some well known, others – discoveries. The art is arranged neither by artist nor by artistic style or era, but rater by the story the art tells. It is a majestic, learned, beautifully designed book that carries a lot of instruction, entertainment, as well as visual pleasure. But then that is what Uvi is all about! Grady Harp, May 17

Promo tour: Love in Times of War


Promo tour: A Touch of Passion

(boxed set romance bundle)

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Truly Inspirational

I am thrilled to find this review, written by an author who loves and lives to write, Dellani Oakes. She is also a former A.P. English teacher and a photo journalist. This is what she says about my art book, Inspired by Art: The Last Concubine:

on May 21, 2017
Inspired by Art: The Last Concubine (The David Chronicles Book 9) is another stunning and amazing collection of art which inspired Uvi Poznanski to write about Abishag, the last concubine of King David of Israel. Woodcuts, stained glass windows, oil paintings, etchings, illuminated texts, coins, carvings.... Some are by famous artists like Salvador Dali or Rembrandt. Others are by nameless, forgotten monks or metal workers. Though their identities are lost, their lovingly created work lives on for us to share.
Immerse yourself in the art that inspired the book. It will delight and, with luck, inspire you as well. Then, read The Last Concubine by Uvi Poznansky, or listen to the wonderful audio presentation, as I am.
I highly recommend this book for those who love fine art and history. It's a truly incredible collection showing many different facets of the story of the last days of King David's life.

Five Golden Acorns
© Dellani Oakes 2017

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Let her voice be heard

I sigh. “No one should learn the sordid facts of that horrible thing, that assault.”
“Why shouldn’t they?”
“Because,” say I. “That would be like violating my daughter all over again.”
“About that,” says Bathsheba, “you’re quite mistaken.”
“Am I?”
“Yes,” she says. “You are. In your mind, history belongs to the victor. Triumphs should be glorified, failures—glossed over.”
“But of course! That’s the way it’s always been.”
“It’s been that way, perhaps too long.”
“What d’you mean, perhaps too long?” 
“I mean, the way it’s always been isn’t necessarily the right way.”
“What other way is there?” I ask, and without waiting for an answer I press on, with great ardor. “Every day I dedicate myself, with everything I have in me, to one project: committing my story—or at least, the better parts of it—to the books, for the sake of the House of David, for the sake of my descendants and the entire nation. My version of events, setting up a model of a shining hero, will live on, in our times and for posterity.”
“For what purpose?”
“To excite the mind for greatness.”
“A valiant effort,” she says. “You are a victor among victors, and without a doubt, yours is a story to be remembered, in all its parts. But why not allow the victim her voice?”
“By which you mean what?”
“Look, if history belongs to the victor, it follows that cruelty is lionized, and that the names of villains, murderers, robbers, and rapists are hailed, in war and peace alike, at the expense of silencing the names of the conquered.”
“I get it, I do.”
“Do you, really?”
“Yes,” I say. “With a little less luck, my name could’ve been stricken off the books, or mentioned in passing as a traitor. If Saul had it his way I could’ve remained a nobody.” 
“I’m glad you see it my way,” says Bathsheba. “Singing the praises of the victors is fine—but then, if that’s all we hear, who will speak for the downtrodden?”
She has a point, which is why I must argue against it. I close my hand upon the scroll, and shake my fist in the air. “History admires those who are strong! It is this that makes me strive to achieve great things.”
Bathsheba gives me a look. 
“If history ignores those who are weak,” she says. “then the name of your daughter will be lost.”
“It’ll be hidden,” say I, “to protect her.”
“Her suffering will be obliterated, and so will her identity. It’ll be as if she never existed.”
“Given what she’s gone through, it’s for her own good.”
“Is it?” 
I hesitate to answer, because she makes me doubt that which I have held true all my life. I hate it when that happen.
With an amused smile at me Bathsheba says, “I can just imagine your scribe, Nathan, chewing the tip of his quill, so he may spit out something lyrical yet benign about your daughter, something that will obscure who she really is, and how bravely she tried to overturn her fate.”
“I can see him in my mind,” say I. “I can just hear him mumbling, under his beard, as he scribbles something like, ‘Now that her brother is a fugitive she lives alone in his house, with no one to talk to, a desolate woman.’”
“Give her a voice,” says Bathsheba, in a tone that is intense, and full of pity for Tamar, and for all of us. “Let everyone hear how a woman does all she can, with such amazing courage, to resist a rape. Let her story be told!”

In this excerpt, David and Bathsheba go out to their private place: the balcony where they made love for the first time. Here they argue, quite passionately, over the right course of action in the wake of the rape of Tamar, his daughter, at the hands of Amnon, his son. This crime has gone unpunished, because David loves both of them and cannot bring himself to restrain his son. At the same time, he wants to protect his daughter from gossip and exposure. He tries to silence all reports of the rape, while Bathsheba tries to convince him to let his daughter's side of the story be heard. Let her story be heard!

The argument has a larger connotation when it comes to the role of history. Should it record only those who are victorious--or should it give voice also to the downtrodden? What is the right balance between the two sides?

★ Love historical fiction? Treat yourself to a gift 
Historical Fiction with a Modern Twist...

"At times startling, as times awe-inspiring, and at all times fine reading, this is a welcome addition to the growing library of one our more important writers" 
-Grady Harp, Hall of Fame Reviewer

This book is a True Treasure!

Just discovered this review for my art book, Inspired by Art: The Edge of Revolt:

on May 20, 2017
Growing up in a large city, I was often taken by my parents to one museum and art gallery after another, as a matter of course. I would stand in front of paintings, etchings, drawings, and sculpture and wonder at the fine creativity of the various artists presented.

But I’d also get tired and bored. Truth be told, I realized as an adult that as spontaneous as the atmosphere at a live exhibit can be, I much preferred studying art books at home, on my sofa, with a cup of tea at my side, a blanket over my legs. I could either take my time or flip through a page here or there, in great comfort.

Imagine my delight when I discovered Uvi Poznansky’s INSPIRED BY ART: THE EDGE OF REVOLT. This is a magnificent collection of artworks she used as inspiration for her well-received series, THE DAVID CHRONICLES. The depth and breadth of this collection is astounding. Color engravings, etchings, pencil drawings, calligraphy, mezzo tints, and oil paintings by the likes of Rembrandt, Chagall, Tissot, Michelangelo, and the modern American artist, Ivan Schwebel, just to name a few. For me, sitting on my couch and taking my time, these works simply leapt off the pages at me. I also greatly enjoyed the titles and quotes beneath many of the works, such as:
“For the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater
than the love wherewith he had loved her.”

All in all, if you’re in the mood for a fantastic way to spend hours on your couch or your favorite chair, relaxing, I highly recommend this book. It’s a true gem.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Beautiful and Intriguing art

I am thrilled to find a five-star review for my art book, Inspired by Art: The Last Concubine. The review is written by top Amazon reviewer and author Sheila Deeth. In addition to her novel, Divide by Zero, she has written The Five Minute Bible Story Series, and other books. With a Masters in mathematics from Cambridge University, England, she is a a top reviewer for Amazon, Goodreads, Gather and other reading sites. This is what she says:

VINE VOICEon May 16, 2017
This review is from: Inspired by Art: The Last Concubine (The David Chronicles Book 9) (Kindle Edition)
From wood engravings to the splash of red in a modern painting, the life of King David has inspired art through the centuries; and the art of King David has inspired Uvi Poznansky’s very human depiction of the aging monarch looking back on his days. In this art collection, David is old, seeking to rediscover his youth in the bodies of ever younger brides. The choice of an heir is much on his mind of course, and the beautiful bride might have much to say in his ear. Then comes the never-peaceful transfer of power.

So many different styles of art grace these pages, colorful, black and white, evocative, dark, strange, haunting… for this reader, the most striking is Henri Lidegaar’s Judgement of Solomon; the most beautiful might be James Tissot’s David Singing; and the most haunting is Salvador Dali’s Psalm 3, closely followed on the page and in my mind by Moshe Tsvi Berger’s Psalm 2. Of course, being English, I love the stained glass too. And my brother who once collected stamps would surely love the author’s curious collection. Artful coins and music complete the scene – a stunning depiction of a life that has influenced the world, and a great introduction to the author’s wonderful words.

Disclosure: It was on a deal and I couldn’t resist it.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Doing the happy dance--my audiobook is out!

Doing the happy dance! The audiobook edition of my historical fiction novel, The Edge of Revolt, has just come out! Narrated by the one and only Bob Sterry, it tells the story of David.  He loves his sons The last thing he expects is that they will topple him from the throne. Who among them will remain by his side? Who will be not only loyal, but also eager to continue his legacy?

Here is the excerpt for the 5-minute voice clip. 

“You know you must act, before this night is over,” she says, over my silence.
Amused by how good it feels to be needed I take my time to answer. Meanwhile I am listening to my breath. It rasps strenuously in my throat. 
At last, “Decisive action may be easy for a king,” I tell her. “But as a father I must weigh every word I speak, because in the future it may leave a scar upon the hearts of my children.”
Somewhat reluctantly she says, “I understand.” 
“I hope you do,” say I. “They are, all of them, my flesh and blood.”
“Then, act as a king,” she says. “Not as a father. Name the one who will succeed you, the one who—in your judgement—may become a better ruler than the others.”
I have to admit, “I have yet to make up my mind,” which fills her eyes with worry. She knows all too well that Solomon, being the younger son, has less of a change to win my favor.
“Decide,” she says. “And make your wishes known. That in itself may bring about a change, a peaceful transition of power. Otherwise, I’m afraid there will be mayhem. It will start at sunrise.”
I let go of her hand, because to say my next sentence I must not lean on anyone. 
But before I can muster my pride, and take air in my lungs, and clear my throat to state, in my most regal tones, “I am still the king, am I not,” I find myself staggering. In the next instant, there I am, a heap of arms and legs spilled on the floor, twisting in agony from the sudden chill overtaking me. 
I reach up, trying to breathe her name. And I wonder what this suffering may look like, to her and to a heavenly city watching over me, floating silent and forlorn on the hill.
Overhead, a cloud breaks off from the others and moves in a new direction. Its wooly, dim grays are drifting across. I squint, rub my eyes. Now, in a separate layer, another image starts floating past: the way she looked, right here on this roof, when we came out of these doors the very first time. 
I remember: scattered petals flew off, swirling in the glow around her long, silky hair that started cascading under her, onto the tile floor. 
Accidentally the goblet, which she had set down next to her, tipped over and some of the wine spilled over her hip. The crisp sound of breaking glass rang in my ear. It marked the moment, from which I could not turn back. Never would I be able to put it out of my mind.
Yes, this was my fault: taking a woman that belonged to another. Soon after came the blunder: bringing her husband, Uriah, back from the front, that he may sleep with her, which would have explained her pregnancy ever so conveniently. 
And when that did not go as planned, then came another mistake, the worst of all: sending him back to the battlefield, with my sealed letter in hand, arranging for his death. 
All the while, my boys were learning their own lessons—not from my psalms but from my deeds. One error begets another, each one bringing a new calamity over me, over my family, and over this entire land. Sin followed by execution, followed by revolt, escape, execution, revolt...
Had I known back then the results of the results of my mistake, the curse looming over my life ever since that time, would I still choose to do it? 
Bathsheba tries to raise me to my feet. Her fragrance brings back to me the sunny, warm hues of spring. The fears, the doubts flee away when we are that close. I adore the way she calls my name, the way she sighs. With every sweet word I fall deeper into her eyes. 
How can love be a mistake? In my passion for her—then as now—what choice do I have? 
I want to tell her, “Let me close my eyes. Let me remember.”

★ Love historical fiction? Treat yourself to a gift 

"At times startling, as times awe-inspiring, and at all times fine reading, this is a welcome addition to the growing library of one our more important writers" 
-Grady Harp, Hall of Fame Reviewer

"Quality above compare, this novel is written by a master wordsmith who knows how to tell a story... This one is up for one of the best for the year for fiction."
 -Dennis Waller, Top 500 Reviewer