I am thrilled to find a five-star review for my trilogy, The David Chronicles, written by top Amazon reviewer and author Sheila Deeth. In addition to her novel, Divide by Zero, she has written The Five Minute Bible Story Series, and other books. With a Masters in mathematics from Cambridge University, England, she is a a top reviewer for Amazon, Goodreads, Gather and other reading sites. This is what she says:
The David Chronicles is a collection of three wonderful novels by Uvi Poznansky. Together they tell a tale of madmen and kings, love and betrayal, youth and old age, prison cells and freedom’s ring. Drawn from Biblical history, they vividly recreate character and place, inviting readers to see the world of King David as his contemporaries might have seen it, from the giant Goliath to the rebellious son, wounded daughter, and fickle wives.
The David of these novels is no saint, but rather a wise and careful man, brought down as he struggles to balance love and duty against nation and family. The world around him is dangerous, rife with plots and wars. And a wise king, singing songs, will do well to take care how history will see him.
I love this series for its convincing depiction of real people in ancient times, for its unflinching honesty, and for its vividly real characters. This David is no cardboard cutout to be filled in with bright crayoned colors. His Bathsheba is no plaything. And his women will take their place on the stage of history, will have their voice, and will cry out for love and hate and hope.
Echoing with phrases from the psalms, singing with a lonely king’s “hope for redemption... when prayers go unanswered,” and filled with real characters who have “learn[ed] their lessons—not from ... psalms, but from ... deeds,” this sequence of novels brings the Bible to life, takes readers deep into David’s mind, and leaves us knowing the characters of the past, or even of the Bible, weren’t so different from people today after all. It's highly recommended!
VINE VOICEon March 25, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition
The David of these novels is no saint, but rather a wise and careful man, brought down as he struggles to balance love and duty against nation and family. The world around him is dangerous, rife with plots and wars. And a wise king, singing songs, will do well to take care how history will see him.
I love this series for its convincing depiction of real people in ancient times, for its unflinching honesty, and for its vividly real characters. This David is no cardboard cutout to be filled in with bright crayoned colors. His Bathsheba is no plaything. And his women will take their place on the stage of history, will have their voice, and will cry out for love and hate and hope.
Echoing with phrases from the psalms, singing with a lonely king’s “hope for redemption... when prayers go unanswered,” and filled with real characters who have “learn[ed] their lessons—not from ... psalms, but from ... deeds,” this sequence of novels brings the Bible to life, takes readers deep into David’s mind, and leaves us knowing the characters of the past, or even of the Bible, weren’t so different from people today after all. It's highly recommended!
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