Thursday, December 31, 2015

A TOUCH OF PASSION: Ambrosia by the Sea by @tracihallauthor

She blinked her cool blue eyes. He wondered if they’d warm up with passion, or turn an icier shade. “Okay.”
“Ask me something. Anything. So we can be even.”
Celia put her hand on her hip, her lips pursed with suppressed amusement. “You really are a Sir Galahad, you know? All right. You said you never took the plunge for marriage. Why?”
“I was engaged right out of college. She rushed back to New York after her first winter here with no snow.” There was more to it, of course, but he didn’t have to share his total heartbreak. The realization that promises of the heart could be broken. The shattering of the illusion, love. 
She smiled with compassion. “It was probably culture shock. New York is all about the snow, the parade, and Macy’s. What do you do here?”
“Go to the beach. Decorate our palm trees with conch shell ornaments. Santa knows his way to South Florida.”

Here is a heartwarming story for cold evenings... Excerpt from Ambrosia by the Sea by Traci Hall, included in A Touch of Passion

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