Born in Potsdam, Germany, Gisela Sedimayer has a love for the written word. Having moved to New Zealand and then to Austria, and having fought her cancer with the best weapon--creativity--she is the author of the Talon series, bringing the story and the characters to life over the course of several years. I am thrilled to find her review of my trilogy, The David ChrThe David Chronicles:
A very different look at King David, a powerful read, June 21, 2015
Uvi Potznansky really did a marvellous work with the David Chronicle. She describes King David's affairs as if the was standing beside him, felt his fears, his feelings, his anxiousness, his mistakes, his love affairs with his beloved Bathsheba, his failures and his sorrows. Also his strife to become King. All in all a very different look at King David.
Book 1 "Rise to power"
David was facing lots of dangers, like killing the Philistine Goliath, or even running away from Kind Soul, as he wants him dead. David could have killed him any time, but he, David refused to do so. Soul was anointed by God. And when Soul died in battle with the Philistines, David was devastated.
I thought that was very good, as David said to his servant: “The purpose of all this was for me to realize my future and the future of my House. The House of David in the years and generation to come."
Whether you are religious or not, you will enjoy this story about David, told in such a way, as if it just happen now, just another story. But is it?
David, from a shepherds boy to a musician to sooth king Soul’s soul, until he himself becomes king.
Book 2, "A peek at Bathsheba"
I really wonder how Uvi can put herself, discernment, into the shoes of King David and write such amazing books about him. All the things he is thinking and not doing or doing as King or should do. Like should he take his beloved Bathsheba or not. He really was thinking hard about taking her. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t help himself.
Something that really spoke to me: David Said in the eyes of Uvi: "That which has been is what will be.”
And: “This has been an adventurous journey, and a long one. In my exhaustion I can barely move my lips, heal, a time to tear down and a time to build. How fortunate it is for me to find myself back here. I am a father. I am the keeper of my people. What a moment this is, the perfect moment to usher in a new era.”
Book 3, "The edge of the revolt"
The story of Amnon, as he assaulted Absalom's sister, Tamar. Then Absalom kills his brother Amnon for revenge, because King David, his father wouldn't do anything about it, wouldn't punish him. How could King David kill his own son? King David just couldn't bring himself to do it, to kill his own son.
Then Absalom rises to power, despising David, his father, punishing him with. Until the last battle when Absalom...
Well, I won't spoil anymore about the amazing story, Uvi Poznansky unfolds here. You have to read that incredible story about King David and Absalom.
Reading The Chronicle of King David let me think again, when I am reading it in my bible, remembering all what Uvi wrote here. She is an excellent writer and narrator.
Perfectly narrated and a very good read for everyone.
Loved all three books.
An outstanding description of the biblical event about King David's rain. Well done Uvi Poznansky
Even thought I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.
Your rod and your staff they comfort me.
A very different look at King David, a powerful read, June 21, 2015
This review is from: The David Chronicles: Boxed Set (Kindle Edition)
Book 1 "Rise to power"
David was facing lots of dangers, like killing the Philistine Goliath, or even running away from Kind Soul, as he wants him dead. David could have killed him any time, but he, David refused to do so. Soul was anointed by God. And when Soul died in battle with the Philistines, David was devastated.
I thought that was very good, as David said to his servant: “The purpose of all this was for me to realize my future and the future of my House. The House of David in the years and generation to come."
Whether you are religious or not, you will enjoy this story about David, told in such a way, as if it just happen now, just another story. But is it?
David, from a shepherds boy to a musician to sooth king Soul’s soul, until he himself becomes king.
Book 2, "A peek at Bathsheba"
I really wonder how Uvi can put herself, discernment, into the shoes of King David and write such amazing books about him. All the things he is thinking and not doing or doing as King or should do. Like should he take his beloved Bathsheba or not. He really was thinking hard about taking her. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t help himself.
Something that really spoke to me: David Said in the eyes of Uvi: "That which has been is what will be.”
And: “This has been an adventurous journey, and a long one. In my exhaustion I can barely move my lips, heal, a time to tear down and a time to build. How fortunate it is for me to find myself back here. I am a father. I am the keeper of my people. What a moment this is, the perfect moment to usher in a new era.”
Book 3, "The edge of the revolt"
The story of Amnon, as he assaulted Absalom's sister, Tamar. Then Absalom kills his brother Amnon for revenge, because King David, his father wouldn't do anything about it, wouldn't punish him. How could King David kill his own son? King David just couldn't bring himself to do it, to kill his own son.
Then Absalom rises to power, despising David, his father, punishing him with. Until the last battle when Absalom...
Well, I won't spoil anymore about the amazing story, Uvi Poznansky unfolds here. You have to read that incredible story about King David and Absalom.
Reading The Chronicle of King David let me think again, when I am reading it in my bible, remembering all what Uvi wrote here. She is an excellent writer and narrator.
Perfectly narrated and a very good read for everyone.
Loved all three books.
An outstanding description of the biblical event about King David's rain. Well done Uvi Poznansky
Even thought I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.
Your rod and your staff they comfort me.
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