Thursday, August 31, 2017

Soon the trilling of pipes will be heard

And so Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and my bodyguard, Benaiah, hurry out of my chamber together, to escort Solomon to Gihon. I have chosen this spring, whose name means gushing forth, for a reason
It flows three to five times daily in winter, twice daily in summer, and only once daily in autumn. No one has ever gone through the passage all the way to its outlet, which is hidden in a cave. It is deep enough to preserve a sense of mystery about it. 
Despite being intermittent, the spring is a reliable source of water for the Pool of Siloam, located in the Kidron valley, which stores up water for the City of David. It made settlement possible here—not only for drinking water but also for irrigation of the royal gardens. Since ancient times, it has been considered a source of sustenance. What better place to ensure an orderly transition of power for my dynasty, and what better symbol for the future!
All my attendants have followed Solomon on his journey, so here I am, left all alone in my chamber. There is not much to do but follow my son from afar, in my own way. 
I imagine the priest taking the flask of oil from the sacred tent to anoint him. There is a flash of gold in the air as he starts pouring, which brings to mind the fragrance of oil. I smell it as if it were dripping over my own head. 
Somehow the days of my youth, when Samuel the Prophet arrived at my father’s house to choose the next king of the land, come rushing back to me. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath, in which I detect a dash of powdered bark, a pinch of scented medicinal leaves, sweet cinnamon, calamus and cassia, mixed together into olive oil according to an age old formula passed down the generations.
By now, I imagine, the sound of trumpet must be reverberating back and forth between the walls of the valley. Soon the trilling of pipes will be heard, along with the thud of footfalls in various rhythms of dancing, and laughter, resounding laughter of men and women rejoicing. 
I can almost hear them shouting, and find myself startled by the words, in which my name has been omitted to mark an irreversible change.
“Long live King Solomon!”
And the last thing I imagine before sleep comes is Adonijah, pressing his hands over his ears to stop it, stop hearing the blaring of the trumpet, while his guests are rising in alarm, just about to disperse. 

★ Love historical fiction? Treat yourself to a gift 
Historical Fiction with a Modern Twist...

"The miracle of Uvi Poznansky's writing is her uncanny ability to return to old stories 
and make them brilliantly fresh"
-Grady Harp, Hall of Fame reviewer

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Pure Artistry

I'm thrilled to find this review for my novel, Apart from Love:

on August 28, 2017
This book is truly a work of art. I first discovered Uvi Poznansky when I happened upon The White Piano and was intrigued. After reading it, I knew I had to read the entire series.

The White Piano is woven into this book, which contains both Ben’s and Anita’s perspectives. If I could give Ben’s side seven stars, I would. Anita’s point of view fills in the missing pieces from The White Piano to present a more complete picture of what went on, but I must admit, I couldn’t wait to get through her chapters so I could return to Ben.

There are various issues I have with Anita’s narrative. One is explained at the end of the book, and so I must inform any reader who struggles with the mixture of poetic prose with bad grammar, you must be patient because there is a reason for it. Obviously, we know throughout the book she has bad grammar because she’s not educated. But if she’s not educated, she then wouldn’t tell her story in a poetic or stylistic manner either. However, as I stated, there is a reason for it. Just read until the end.

I also was not aware this book apparently takes place around 1980 until I started reading Book 3. I’d thought this was present day, making the overuse of the word “awful” in dialog confusing. The way it’s used sounds more like the 1950s or 1960s to me, but at least I now know this is not supposed to be present day.

The Anita narration was just a personal pet peeve, but overall this book is amazing. The plot- wow! It is so dramatic and emotional and contains levels of depth. There is some odd behavior, but this is life, and people can be off. In this family, everyone has their demons, and that is part of what makes the book so touching and so powerful.

The books leaves you with lots to think about, and if you try to skim through it quickly, you'll miss out. Enjoy the paint strokes, both large and small. This is an absolutely beautiful work or art.

A Riveting Story!

Here is a great review of my WWII Spy thriller, Marriage before Death:

on August 29, 2017
Having already read Uvi Poznansky’s extremely touching love story between Lenny and Natasha throughout their various stages of life, I looked forward to yet another glimpse at their time together. I knew going in, Poznansky’s prose would be poetic and lyrical, her descriptions beautiful. And being a history buff, I also figured I would enjoy reading about the WW2 French resistance––those bold men and women who led cloak and dagger existences, all in the name of fighting the Nazis. But what grabbed and thrilled me was how the author managed to create one riveting action scene after another, dovetailing them nicely into the couple’s journey. And with all those chapter cliffhanger endings that she added, I found myself staying up late into the night, dying to find out how it would all turn out. A treat, indeed!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Love and War

John Holland is a poet, writing about life and the question of where we fit into an uncertain universe. He has a lovely blog featuring his poetry and authors he enjoys. I am thrilled to find his review of my WWII spy thriller, Marriage before Death:

on August 28, 2017
This is another satisfying story from the gifted pen of Uvi Poznansky. This is essentially a WW11 spy thriller, but also a love story.
The love between Lenny and Natasha takes place amidst the chaotic violence of war and intrigue.
Written with maturity and clarity and coloured with deft imagery, this story takes us deep into a place where love struggles to survive the circumstances around it.
Ms Poznansky displays a firm knowledge of time and place and has the ability to take the reader with her on her story. You feel you are there and witnessing the events first hand.
I’d recommend this book to anyone who loves a well written and authentic feeling story. I would not tie it to one particular genre. It is at once a WW11 spy thriller and a love story. There is an underlying psychological element as well.
It is a pleasure to read.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Throwing caution to the wind

I used to think that ‘throwing caution to the wind’ was an overblown expression—until I found myself doing just that. I hurried in the direction of the glow and then, upon arriving at the village square, found the sight of the fire to be nothing short of hypnotizing. So did a crowd of Frenchmen.
There was not a young man among them in sight. Most of them seemed to be in their fifties and sixties. Their faces reddened by blows of heat, there they stood, watching the flames engulf a building with a frightening roar. 
There was a bursting of timber as the door collapsed into the blaze, its mass reduced to embers. Hot air rippled, one sheet over another, over the equipment inside, which included telegraph and encoding machines, as well as a large printing press. First, its metal turned white-hot. Then it started melting in a tortuous twist, as if trying to release flaming letters. 
Stacks of typed leaflets were arranged in one corner of the space; stacks of newspaper in the other. Over them, flying cinders swirled in the air, sparking fire. 
And in a flash, it all crumpled into ashes.
“There goes Le Populaire,” said one man, with a sigh. 
And another echoed, “Oui, there it goes.”
“One more underground newspaper, destroyed.”
“The mere existence of it used to show us dissenters that we are not alone.” 
“Now, alone we are.”
I stood in the back, wondering why none of them made a move, no one carried buckets of water to douse the flames. I mean, with Paris newspapers under tight German supervision, why not try to save this place? Why not help the French Resistance get their word out? Should there not be an alternative to controlled press? Were these villagers immobilized by shock—or else, was there some other explanation, which I failed to grasp, for being so passive?

★ Love suspense? Treat yourself to a thrill ★

"Uvi Poznansky raises the stakes in a high stakes story, filled with uncertainty, drama and suspense... This book is a nail biter and one I found hard to put down. For me, this is Uvi Poznansky's best novel to date." 
Richard Weatherly, Author

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Review of Marriage before Death by @RichWeatherly43

Richard Weatherly is a talented writer. He welcomes you to his place where you will find book reviews, interviews, posts on historical events and samples of his creative writing. In addition to the main blog page there are pages with poetry and short stories.

I am thrilled that he posted his review of my WWII spy thriller, along with the book description and my author bio. Check it out:

Review: Marriage before Death: WWII Spy Thriller

A wonderful blog is dedicated to Dee's Mum

I would like to recommend a wonderful blog designed for book lovers. It's mission is, "This is a place for those who still love to have a book in their hands to share and discuss books, reviews, and ideas. The blog is dedicated to Mum who wrote four books and more than fifty stories and other Authors. Mum passed away at 93 without seeking publication. Her books and stories range from Murder/mystery, Suspense and Romance. Her first book was published March 2008 called "Ladies of Class" a Detective, Murder Mystery story. Enjoy fellow readers!"

Today, Dee posted this on her blog, for which I am so grateful:

Gripping suspense during a life and death struggle for survival

Because of the warmth that wraps around us, this is a life worth living.

Author of War Songs, Grady Harp is an artist representative, gallery owner, writer of essays and articles on figurative and all Representational art for museum catalogues and for travelling exhibitions, and an Amazon Hall of Fame Reviewer. He describes himself as being ever on the alert for the new and promising geniuses of tomorrow. So I am deeply honored that he has posted this five-star review for my WWII spy thriller, Marriage before Death:

Uvi Poznansky wears a coat of many colors. Originally from Israel where she studied Architecture and Town Planning then moving to the US where she studied Computer Science and became an expert in Software Engineering, Poznansky managed to combine the design elements of two studies into unique formats. And she has accomplished the same with the other side of her brain - making visual her ideas (she is an accomplished painter, drawer, and sculptor who has enjoyed exhibitions both in Israel and in California, her present base) and making words in poetry and in short stories and children's books. MY OWN VOICE was a memoir – the first part of her novel APART FROM LOVE: Still Life with Memories, THE WHITE PIANO is the second part, THE MUSIC OF US part three, DANCING WITH AIR is part four and now MARRIAGE BEFORE DEATH is part five. Having read them together allows sharing the scope of what came before this book – and sharing that is important.

In a Prologue Uvi shares a hint of the past and the future of her story, as always in elegant prose- ‘“The last line,” she says, turning away from me. “That’s where you should start.” Is it? I wonder. Over the years I have heard little advice from her, and accepted even less than that. When it comes to my literary aspirations I am used to getting few words of encouragement. Perhaps she doubts that a middle-aged man who is always fumbling about in search of a pen can be a writer. But today of all days, in spite of her usual suggestions that I should apply myself to a stable profession, my wife seems agreeable—no, much more than that, eager—for me to write. The change she is undergoing must have caught up to her. Her attempt, early this morning, to write a letter to our son, Ben, may still be fresh in her mind. And now, sitting outside on the balcony, Natasha stares at the nothingness of the mist. In her hands are a few scribbled pages, which she casts away, one crumpled thing after another, releasing them over the railing. I hesitate to tell her to stop that. When she is caught in this mood, who knows how she may react. Perhaps she already knows she can no longer rely upon herself to write her own story. Natasha stands up, her figure so slim, so fragile, outlined against the background of a fog-dripping tree. “You should start,” she repeats, “with the last line.”

Uvi’s skill at both visual and written art is outstanding, but her history of diversity does not end there. A synopsis of this portion of memories follows: ‘After D-Day, her photograph appears on the most-wanted Nazi propaganda posters. Who is the girl with the red beret? She reminds him of Natasha, but no, that cannot be. Why does Rochelle step into his life when he is lead by SS soldiers to the gallows? At the risk of being found out as a French Resistance fighter, what makes her propose marriage to a condemned man?’

Beauty of poetry, prose, and art bound together with a sensitive woman’s power to communicate with all readers. Perhaps there will be more…Grady Harp, August 17

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Gripping suspense during a life and death struggle for survival

Richard Weatherly is the talented author of Closed Doors. I am honored to read his thoughtful review of my WWII spy thriller, Marriage before Death:

on August 23, 2017
Uvi Poznansky raises the stakes in a high stakes story, filled with uncertainty, drama and suspense. After landing on a Normandy beach during D-Day, Lenny finds himself separated from his unit. He is puzzled by a letter Natasha left with him. As far as Lenny knows, Natasha is on a ship bound for America but she reveals an awareness that he will be landing in France and knows of the invasion in advance.

Later Lenny approaches a hospital. He’s looking for a place to hide from the Nazis. There he sees an attractive girl wearing a red beret who he learns goes by Rochelle. Everything about her reminds him of Natasha.

Events coalesce to bring Lenny and Rochelle who it turns out is Natasha together. She has parachuted behind the lines in France to assist The Resistance. Eventually Lenny and Natasha are captured by Nazis. The pair will have to use their wits, wiles and a bit of good fortune to survive as a shadowy figure lurks to betray who they are.

Fortunately, the Nazi commander develops a strong attraction for Rochelle. Rochelle works to buy time to delay an appointment with the executioner.

This book is a nail biter and one I found hard to put down. For me, this is Uvi Poznansky’s best novel to date.
Marriage before Death: WWII Spy Thriller (Still Life with Memories Book 5)

Haunting, sensitive

I am thrilled to find this new review, written by Catherine Cavendish, the author of Touched by Darkness, Cold Sparks, and other books. This is what she wrote about my WWII spy thriller, Marriage before Death:

on August 23, 2017
Marriage Before Death is book five of the author’s Still Life with Memories series but can easily be read as a standalone. In fact, I have come to this series with this particular story and it has made me want to now read the others – each focuses on a particular main character’s point of view. In this story, Lenny is the central character and he is in a lot of trouble. This is wartime and he has been rounded up as a suspected spy. He is one inch away from a hail of bullets when a girl appears, dressed in the floweriest of hats. There is something familiar about her but he can’t quite put his finger on what it is. Her name is Rochelle and she makes the most extraordinary accusation. Then she tells the SS officer that Lenny must marry her. He must marry her right before he dies. This was a touching, well researched story. I always hate it when historical fiction gets important details wrong and this author has done her homework. More than that, Uvi Poznansky’s lyrical prose shines through and gives this story a haunting, unforgettable quality. In addition, her sensitive handling of a much-changed Rochelle is touching and oh-so-real. Now off to acquire the others in the series.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A rousing and satisfying conclusion to the saga

Laurel Gord is the author of a wonderful memoir, Waking Up in a Tent. Here's her short and sweet review of my historical fiction novel, The Edge of Revolt:

on August 21, 2017
Poznanski's poetic sensibility breathed life into every scene, so that I felt myself there. The story is old, but the very human feelings and conflicts are not. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the Bible or just interested in arousing, satisfying, thought-provoking, and enriching read.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Should I forge my way to the other side?

It was well past midnight when I left. From time to time, an Allied plane would stick its nose in-between the moonlit clouds. Then, in a quick turn, it would rise again, allowing itself to be swallowed into a dark recess. Its engine would drone on for a while, until it would be drowned out by enemy fire. German Oerlikons—large, rapid-fire projectile weapons—would blast one round of shells after another at the night sky.
Despite the noise, the place seemed as if everyone was asleep. Not a soul stirred, inside or out. I tried to convince myself that no one had noticed me, no one had seen me coming out of the building. I stopped for a breath under the monumental portico, then went down the stairs and across the grounds. 
I walked fast. At the sight of the shadows I cast, shadows that flared around me with each and every explosion, I felt jumpy. Not before reaching the bank of the Orne River did I regain the sense of feeling safe. 
Here, signs of the earlier battle, the battle over control of the Bénouville Bridge, were everywhere. For the enemy, they spelled defeat. Above me, a blown up German tank, outlined as a porous silhouette against the horizon, blocked the road. Behind it were more military vehicles—some melted, some charred—and more mangled tanks, one pressed onto the other. 
To the left of me a distant boat, loaded with German infantry, labored to turn around. It floated aslant over the water, with a stern that must have been hit. 
And to the right, an Allied guard could be seen up there. From time to time he paced back and forth, his helmet bobbing over the black mass of the bridge. 
Below him, one of the Royal Engineers was still working, late into the night, perhaps to dismantle an explosive charge that had been attached under the bridge by the enemy. After all, taking the overpass intact served a critical purpose: to limit the effectiveness of a German counterattack. 
I had to make a decision, which up to now I had managed to avoid. Should I turn right and go up to the bridge to join our forces, as I had originally planned? Or else—as Madame Vion had suggested to me last evening—should I cross the river, somehow, and forge my way to the other side, the side that was held in Nazi hands? 

★ Love suspense? Treat yourself to a thrill ★

"Uvi Poznansky, a master story-teller, captures the sights, sounds and smells of World War II France, bringing them to life with an imaginative plot, excellent writing, a mastery of fine detail and the creation of imagery in her scenes. She draws you into the story as though you were there, experiencing what Lenny and Natasha experience."
~Bill Cronin, Author

Saturday, August 19, 2017

What a gorgeous story

Once a Liberal Arts major in French Literature, J.A. Schneider, a former staffer at Newsweek, brings aspects of her fascination with medicine, forensic science, and human psychology into her gripping thrillers. I am thrilled that she read my WWII spy thriller, Marriage before Death,  and posted this review:

Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I would follow Uvi Poznansky anywhere, and, joy! Now she's written a World War II thriller intertwined with an unusual, powerful love story. Marriage Before Death is the fifth in the author's Still Life with Memories series about Lenny and Natasha Kaminsky, war heroes. I've loved every one.

Lenny, in the present, is remembering the couple's terrifying time in France, in 1944 in the long weeks before D-Day. Lenny's pain is that Natasha now is suffering from Alzheimer's. He tries to get her to remember when they were separated for a time: he was caught out of uniform and facing execution by the Germans; Natasha had disappeared into the French Resistance to help both the Resistance and the Allies. The story of how they survived such horrors is extraordinary. Also extraordinary is the author's deep and gorgeous writing, interweaving desperation with descriptions of "beautiful light streaming from high-arched, stained glass windows, rattling in the duel between the German artillery and ours."

These are the memories that Lenny aches to remember with Natasha, as her disease intensifies and she struggles against it. In so many ways, our inner wars are so much more painful than any "outer" war, and this is the core of what readers feel as this story unfolds.

I truly loved this story and recommend it - and the whole Still Life with Memories series. Five stars!