I am thrilled to find a truly perceptive review for my children's book, Now I Am Paper, written by top Amazon reviewer and author Sheila Deeth. In addition to her novel, Divide by Zero, she has written The Five Minute Bible Story Series, and other books. With a Masters in mathematics from Cambridge University, England, she is a a top reviewer for Amazon, Goodreads, Gather and other reading sites. This is what she says:
By Sheila Deeth VINE VOICE on August 11, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition
Now I am Paper, by Uvi Poznansky, begs to be read with a small child who enjoys playing hide and seek. Whose little foot would the tree like to feel? Who would it love to hold and swing? And who might climb?
Pictures in beautifully suffused light evoke a happy childhood time, for child and tree. But the life of a tree includes more than leaves and branches. The ax intervenes and the reader soon sees, together with child and tree, how wood becomes paper.
It’s a nicely intriguing lesson in real-world mechanics, but that’s not the end. Leaves of paper can speak just as surely as those on a tree, and they do. In the final product, the author’s poetic and artistic touches combine to make this a beautiful poem to share, and a lovely picture book for all to enjoy.
Disclosure: I was given a free ecopy and I offer my honest review.

Pictures in beautifully suffused light evoke a happy childhood time, for child and tree. But the life of a tree includes more than leaves and branches. The ax intervenes and the reader soon sees, together with child and tree, how wood becomes paper.
It’s a nicely intriguing lesson in real-world mechanics, but that’s not the end. Leaves of paper can speak just as surely as those on a tree, and they do. In the final product, the author’s poetic and artistic touches combine to make this a beautiful poem to share, and a lovely picture book for all to enjoy.
Disclosure: I was given a free ecopy and I offer my honest review.
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