Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Cover reveal: My Own Voice

I have just finished designing the cover for my upcoming novel, My Own Voice, which is volume I of my series, Still Life with Memories.

Here is what the story is about:

Ten years ago, when she was seventeen, Anita started an affair with Lenny, in spite of knowing that he was a married man. Now married to him and carrying his child, she finds herself condemned to compete with Natasha’s shadow, the memory of her brilliance back in her prime, before she succumbed to early-onset Alzheimer’s. Despite Anita’s lack of education, her rough slang, and what happened to her in the past, Lenny tries to transform her. He wants her to become Natasha. 

Faced with his compelling wish, and the way he writes her as a character in his book, how can Anita find a voice of her own? And when his estranged son, Ben, comes back and lives in the same small apartment, can she keep the balance between the two men, whose desire for her is marred by guilt and blame? 

★ Love Family Saga? Treat yourself to a gift ★
The complete series

“Liberally salted with buttery smooth prose & fascinating insights”

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