Jess Steven Hughes has extensive experience as a police detective sergeant. He is also a horseman, and he draws on all his skills in writing his great historical fiction books. I am thrilled to find his review of my novel, A Peek at Bathsheba:
David and Bathsheba - The Bible Brought to Life,August 2, 2015
From the cobwebs of the Old Testament, author Uvi Poznansky masterful prose has brought to life the legendary and forbidden romance of King David to the beautiful but married, Bathsheba.
To place in a historical perspective, it must be remembered that King David and Bathsheba were products of their time. Uvi Poznansky makes this abundantly clear. In the ancient world of the Near East, most so-called kings were little more than clan chieftains, ruling small pieces of territory. David, who was egocentric, had proven himself on the battlefield, but was still doubtful of his own strength. He was one of these petty monarchs, ruling over only one of the twelve tribes of Israel. His capital was the small mud and brick city of Hebron. Knowing that to truly be considered a "real king" and recognized as an equal by the leadership of Egypt, Assyria and the Hittites, he had to unite the twelve tribes under his reign.
Along the way, David had to deal with betrayal and treachery from within, including his commanding general, Joav. He was a soldier only interested in perpetual war and had no interest in seeing the tribes Israel united.
David also had to deal with the wiles and needs of his many wives. Perhaps it was this that drew him to Bathsheba, a married woman and therefore "forbidden fruit."
We know Bathsheba was the wife of the soldier, Uriah, a Hittite. Being a foreigner, he was probably a mercenary in David's service, albeit a loyal one.
The wives of soldiers in the ancient armies were mostly camp followers and passed around from one fighter to the next. The author points out that David was aware of this, knowing that Bathsheba had experienced the same until her union with Uriah had been legitimized. He also knew Bathsheba, as a married woman, would be stoned to death for adultery if their affair was discovered.
Given Bathsheba was "only a woman" and that David was king and considered "above the law," it is doubtful that Bathsheba would have refused his advances. Perhaps she was resigned to that fact. At the same time, the author makes it clear she was a clever, intelligent and strong minded woman. She probably considered her affair with David as an opportunity to advance herself by having his son. She certainly succeeded, as her son, Solomon, became one of the most famous kings in The Old Testament.
All of this is weaved together by the author's almost poetic style. She brings her characters to life describing their strengths and foibles to the point you can easily identify with any of them. It is a story of deep love and one of intrigue
Some readers will probably be put off by author's modern usage of words which do not necessarily give it a "biblical" feel. However, I believe more will identify with it than using archaic words which have no relevance into today's modern society.
For the bible purists, they might take offense, believing this style sacrilegious or even sinful.
I like her style. Five stars.
David and Bathsheba - The Bible Brought to Life,
This review is from: A Peek at Bathsheba (The David Chronicles) (Volume 2) (Paperback)
To place in a historical perspective, it must be remembered that King David and Bathsheba were products of their time. Uvi Poznansky makes this abundantly clear. In the ancient world of the Near East, most so-called kings were little more than clan chieftains, ruling small pieces of territory. David, who was egocentric, had proven himself on the battlefield, but was still doubtful of his own strength. He was one of these petty monarchs, ruling over only one of the twelve tribes of Israel. His capital was the small mud and brick city of Hebron. Knowing that to truly be considered a "real king" and recognized as an equal by the leadership of Egypt, Assyria and the Hittites, he had to unite the twelve tribes under his reign.
Along the way, David had to deal with betrayal and treachery from within, including his commanding general, Joav. He was a soldier only interested in perpetual war and had no interest in seeing the tribes Israel united.
David also had to deal with the wiles and needs of his many wives. Perhaps it was this that drew him to Bathsheba, a married woman and therefore "forbidden fruit."
We know Bathsheba was the wife of the soldier, Uriah, a Hittite. Being a foreigner, he was probably a mercenary in David's service, albeit a loyal one.
The wives of soldiers in the ancient armies were mostly camp followers and passed around from one fighter to the next. The author points out that David was aware of this, knowing that Bathsheba had experienced the same until her union with Uriah had been legitimized. He also knew Bathsheba, as a married woman, would be stoned to death for adultery if their affair was discovered.
Given Bathsheba was "only a woman" and that David was king and considered "above the law," it is doubtful that Bathsheba would have refused his advances. Perhaps she was resigned to that fact. At the same time, the author makes it clear she was a clever, intelligent and strong minded woman. She probably considered her affair with David as an opportunity to advance herself by having his son. She certainly succeeded, as her son, Solomon, became one of the most famous kings in The Old Testament.
All of this is weaved together by the author's almost poetic style. She brings her characters to life describing their strengths and foibles to the point you can easily identify with any of them. It is a story of deep love and one of intrigue
Some readers will probably be put off by author's modern usage of words which do not necessarily give it a "biblical" feel. However, I believe more will identify with it than using archaic words which have no relevance into today's modern society.
For the bible purists, they might take offense, believing this style sacrilegious or even sinful.
I like her style. Five stars.
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