Here is a lovely new review for my poetry book, Home:
5.0 out of 5 stars Home, August 6, 2013
I was gift this book by the Author for a honest review. A priceless collection of Poems and memories! How can I put into to words the emotional heartache this Man felt throughout life's journey in a world full of disappointment and harsh reality? I cannot however, His Daughter Uvi, the Author of this book can. She has with great care translated from Hebrew, her Fathers deepest thoughts, that was written in the form of poems over the years and discover after his passing. I can't imagine how Emotional this must have been to discover these! As I read through both her and her Fathers accounts I wondered to myself how many of us could have endure what this Man faced and survived? I for one am not sure if I would have had the strength that this Man possessed. His emotional outpour through out the book reminded me of David the psalmist, when he cried out during his most darkest hours, begging God for strength, only to be faces with silence not knowing if he would be heard. I feel blessed and privileged that Uvi shared this incredible part of her legacy.
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